Women Are Gaining From Maslow-fied Internet

I am on this flight from Chennai to Delhi. My co-passenger is this woman, just about my age and we get chatting. Primarily because we are both glued to our laptops and we are very happy the middle seat is vacant!

She runs a software company offering Agile and ERP services.

We introduce ourselves and she immediately shares that she is a member of the SHEROES community. She logged in a couple of years ago when she was evaluating life and work options for herself. She even knew names of some of our team members. 

A little further into the conversation, turns out she has been hiring using the platform and has key employees from SHEROES. She is also checking out different new products and services we have for enterprises. 

I am not surprised as I learn about her but surely pleased. 

I get a lot of people telling me they are SHEROES members or have found some connection via the platform a lot especially when I walk into large groups of women across the country. Like one at Ahmedabad, about a week ago. 

But this was rather interesting. Randomness pinging as proof of burgeoning community. And an affirmation of some of my assumptions as a founder.

It led me to reflect more on communities and what makes them tick! 

I am a strong believer that future of the internet is connection, empathy and circles of support. A departure from internet 1.0 – Information and 2.0 – Transaction. It also is central to getting more and more women adopting the internet as their natural home of growth.

Internet is being Maslow-fied and it is community members like my fellow passenger who are providing the proof of the pudding. 

Sairee Chahal
Sairee is the Founder of www.sheroes.in - a platform connecting women to corporates and offers career opportunities, resources, mentorship. A believer in work-life redesign, serial entrepreneur, mentor, an occasional writer and mother of an 8-year-old, Sairee is India’s foremost women at work evangelist. She earlier co-founded Fleximoms and also worked with CII, Heidrick and Struggles. In 2000 she set up Newslink Services, world’s first newspaper for mariners. A winner of the Devi Award 2014, and a L’oreal Award nominee, Cartier Alumni and TED speaker, Sairee has an M.Phil in International Relations from JNU

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