Mumbai Is Infinite

“You will love and hate Mumbai with the same intensity but never relive Mumbai”.

Mumbai has been glorified thanks to the glamorous image portrayed by Bollywood, but the city has much more depth of character. What truly sets Mumbai apart is the ‘never dying attitude’ of the Mumbaikars, it is not perfect but there is something about this infinite city that attracts so many dreams and aspirations.

What is your opinion about Mumbai? Try asking this question to people around you, each one will have a different perspective to share. Some of them will say Mumbai is a land of opportunities, some might hate the pace of the city. Everyone shares a personal rapport with Mumbai, their feelings could vary but in the end, Mumbai will always be a special emotion.

If Mumbai was a person, it would be ambitious, full of empathy and always hustling. You will experience Mumbai without any bias only if you look beyond the insane traffic jams, crowded local trains and congested slums. Mumbai is my home, I can never stop believing in this city and its people.

It is a city full of hope, no matter how difficult things seem, there is always a solution. (lovingly known as juggaad**). Mumbai is a city where dreams and dreamers win, the vibe of this city encourages you to think big and bold. There are so many people who found their fortune here, there are lots who lost as well but inspite of that they never stopped trying.

Mumbai adjusts for everyone, doesn't matter where you come from, the city will empathise with your story and let you be a part of its big heart. If you are really upset, take a cutting chai and sit next to the sea, your mind will start rationalising the problem and I am sure it will seem workable.

In a world where chasing your passion is considered rebellious, Mumbai encourages you to live fearless. Every city has a word that defines them perfectly, for me Mumbai is infinite. It has no boundaries or rules, as long as you have a dream, Mumbai will encourage you to live out loud.

You are a true Mumbaikar at heart, if these traits tickle you.

Mumbai makes me smile for reasons that are no big deal, but I love them because its between Mumbai and me, our vibe is electric.

Pooja Kochar
Pooja Kochar is the founder of 30ish and PhotoblogHER, she is a blogger, photographer and positive body image activist. After spending almost a decade working with India’s IT giant she decided to bet on herself and embrace entrepreneurship.

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