Welcoming Gharkamai To The Family Of #TakeCharge

Living in a large ecosystem of value creation, where we are all aiming towards making the most of the nation's workforce, for a decade our friends at Gharkamai have been working hard to find meaningful, value creating work from home projects.  

Like Team SHEROES, Gharkamai also intended to maximise value for the talented, like you, who wanted to work from the comfort of your home. 

Aligining motives of work life bank balance, we join hands, taking you to the next level of future of work – remote work and effort maximisation. 

For every woman, in whatever bracket of age or stage of life, with a career on her mind. Here she shall find opportunities which will be remote, flexible, entrepreneurial and a few that will help her get back to full time corporate roles. With over 12000 companies sharing opportunities, she now has access to opportunities manifold.

Rooting for her success, there are mentors to guide her, career resources to help her upskill and events to help her network. 

Join the conversations, share your stories. Shoutout for help. We are around!

We are very excited to have you as part of the SHEROES network and support you to find your on story of career success on your own terms.

Holding hands with your aspirations, dreams, success –We welcome you to the take charge network!

Raagini Kaushal

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