Unflinchingly Unapologetically You

This Ballantines ad starring Gabriel Macht (from the legal comedy series Suits) has been popping up on our tellies for quite some time now. At first I couldn’t relate to the TVC. As it kept replaying, the closing line kept resonating with me - ‘unflinchingly unapologetically you’.

For those hardworking moms who have missed this TVC, here’s a quick rundown of the script.

VO: The things we do for a corner office. Position (a long queue waiting for an elevator and person who is obviously a leader has hogged the elevator for himself.)

VO: Point of view (every person in the board room is robotically nodding yes.)

VO: But when you show spine…I beg to differ (Gabriel’s character alters the boardroom presentation to indicate increased profits) ‘that’s when you account for something’

VO: ‘Unflinchingly unapologetically You’

In this campaign, Ballantine is trying to portray the everyday corporate world - full of charades, fake smiles, pretentious jokes and ‘yes man-ship’. Despite this, Ballantine’s message is to stay true to one's character while maintaining one's integrity and celebrating individuality.

‘Staying True to one’s character’. This couldn’t have been more apt for today’s working women. Career oriented women, be it at corporates or entrepreneurs, have a certain quality ingrained in them. They need to be financially independent. They need to contribute to society. They need to be part of a bigger picture. They are true to their character.

Working moms are easily recognizable. They are intuitively opinionated, extremely task oriented, great multitasker, unflinching determination, steadfast priorities and emotionally impregnable. They believe in equal opportunity, in not succumbing to handouts and earning every bit of happiness for themselves. They in turn inspire others to have conviction to stay true to themselves, to follow their passions and to remain as genuine and authentic as they can be.

Very often working women get the judgmental stares - how could they leave their kids at home, or unavoidably to random care-givers. Very often they get labelled as self-centered, un-nurturing and over-ambitious. 

Working moms quietly go about doing what they believe in, undeflected in purpose and unswayed by criticism. These are the ones who are remembered. They are the ones who lead by example. So the next time you feel the urge to justify why you work or feel guilty for deciding to choose a career, remember to stay true to your character - unflinchingly unapologetically you.

Shot of Ballantines anyone? 

Naive Goan
The author has over 10 years of work experience in the field of advertising, public relations and internal communication working with multiple industries like manufacturing, technology and PSUs, Armed with a Masters degree in Communication, an advanced diploma in multimedia and currently pursing a digital marketing course with Google India, the author appreciates all mediums of communication especially the written word, graphics and videos. An avid movie and music buff, she currently spends most of her free time finding innovative ways to entertain her restless 2 year old.

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