These Tech Women Give A New Meaning To “Work-life Balance”

Are you tired of hearing the same old tired stereotypes about the world of tech? Those baseless myths about how tech is for geeky nerds that eat, breathe and sleep coding and are completely devoid of creativity? Because I sure am! Come on, women in tech already have to deal with the several stereotypes so let’s not add these to the list as well.

Several women are excelling in their career, taking care of their families and investing in themselves, inspite of having demanding tech jobs. To be able to grow in your job and be able to feel content and satisfied, it is essential that you focus on personal growth as well. Do something besides your job that excites and challenges you!

Let’s hear the stories of these versatile woman from tech company Accenture who inspire us to be more and do more:

Lakshmi puts the “L” in TALENTED: Lakshmi, Functional Architect at Accenture sure loves her job but her passions don’t end there. In her time off from work on the weekends, she teaches Tarkashastra (the science of dialectics, logic and reasoning) to children because according to her “there’s so much more you can learn by teaching”. When she’s not working or teaching, she indulges in painting, reading or writing poetry.

Lakshmi proudly shares that she even got the chance to publish her poem in an anthology that got launched for the Bangalore Poetry Festival. “The best part is, Accenture believes in who I am and supports my motto to be versatile,” says Lakshmi. You can be more than just a woman in tech, you can follow your dreams, especially when a healthy company culture encourages it.

Nazia is all about discovering new adventures: “I’ve always had the urge to explore things, not just from the surface but to dive deeper to understand better,” says Nazia, certified Scuba Diver and Business Advisory Manager at Accenture. She shares, “At Accenture there’s a large focus on learning and development through activities and an attitude of discovering new things that follows me everywhere”.

According to Nazia, scuba diving helped her move out of her comfort zone. She says it allowed her to interact with new people and appreciate the uniqueness that each person has to offer. Nazia’s story is inspiring because her interests allowed her to develop soft skills that she can use even at work. So, if you’re a woman in tech with some secret hidden talents - show them off!

Priyanka’s got some serious moves: Priyanka, Classical Dancer and Management Consultant at Accenture shares her story about how Bharatnatyam, which started out as a “must-do” in her childhood, is now such a huge part of her life - “It’s a very important creative outlet. It helps me bring creativity to work. I hope to continue dancing for as long as I can.”

She adds, “Accenture gives you the opportunity to pursue those passions and hobbies you come to work with.” Kudos to Priyanka for being able to continue her passion for dancing and motivating us to take out time for ourselves and our hobbies.

These are examples of some amazing tech women who are not only doing well in their jobs, but also rocking at pursuing their interests. It’s your turn to bust some old tech myths and show the world what a SUPERSTAR you can be!

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