Taking Care Of All Curves

As women it comes naturally to us to take care of our families in whichever way we have seen in our set culture, to take care of our household, to become the focal point the endless demands. 
And then when we start facing real challenges in life and experience all facets of life (without a lubricant) our priorities and preferences change. Each time this happens, we undergo a mind metamorphosis and cement our experiences of corporate and personal life to use this cemented road to tread ahead on a linear path, forgetting that the only constant is change.
Most of us go through a phase where we are more concerned about our physical curves and L'oreal curls than about the Learning Curves. We get trapped in the 'aata hai" syndrome, not realizing that the time I utter these words, I block myself from receiving the new. We can only learn something, when we "know" nothing!
So we may now have to peel this layer we have garbed over a period of time- of "aata hai"! Even if I may know it- can I challenge my self to learn afresh and curate a better me? Am I the hardened clay that once set only breaks and disintegrates, or the clay that's malleable and can be shaped anew whenever required?
As the old adage would also tell you that 'Learning is a life long process', but a Validation of that also satisfies a latent need of recognition in all of us. But till the time we take the plunge and grab our opposing thoughts by the collar to show them the way- they keep us from joining the ivy league of Learners for Life!
When I open myself to acquire new skills, I give out a message to the world - of being someone who's open to change, who can embrace and keep pace with the world, of being the one who can be relied upon, of being the first ideal for my own child! 
I read somewhere: "Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended with diligence."
Lets invest in ourselves and take care of this Learning "curve" as well! So all curves taken care! 
This is a guest blog by Setu Modawal;
She is a Business Consultant at ICDL Asia Simplus Skills

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