Symptoms Of Pregnancy And 7 Easy Ways To Avoid Them

Pregnancy is a wonderful phase in any woman’s life. It is a glorious part of womanhood and many women wish to enjoy it to the maximum. Therefore, many put off pregnancy to a time when they are more prepared and financially stable to have a child in their lives. Today, we will look at some ways in which pregnancy can be prevented.

Symptoms of pregnancy

Often a missed period is the first indication that a woman might be pregnant. It is possible that no matter how effective one’s method of contraception is, there are chances that she can get pregnant. When using hormonal contraceptive pills, forgetting to take a pill on a day or two, decreases its effectiveness. Condoms can have holes in them or can even slip during intercourse.

(Also, do you know, You can Test Pregnancy at Your Home!)

All these increase chances of pregnancy even while adopting a method of contraception. In such cases some early signs of pregnancy include:

#1. Missed period

This is usually the first and most indicative sign that a woman might be pregnant. Other signs come later on in the second month of pregnancy.

#2. Changes in urine frequency

Women often pass urine more frequently during pregnancy. This is primarily due to the hormonal changes as well as the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder.

#3. Bowel movement changes

As there is a surge in progesterone, a pregnancy hormone, there is a relaxation of the intestinal muscles. This cause women to have nausea, flatulence and constipation during the first few weeks of pregnancy.

#4. Changes in appetite

Women are found to have a ravenous appetite during the early parts of their pregnancy and this can carry on to the second and third trimester. However, with pregnancy, an aversion to certain types of food also comes along. This might cause women to cut back on their meals. Nausea doesn’t help either.

These are just a few of the many signs that indicate pregnancy. After skipping one period, it is often advisable to take a pregnancy test at home. To confirm pregnancy a blood test will have to be taken, along with any other test a gynecologist might suggest.

Today, women are taking over control of their sexual lives and with the plethora of options available to them, this has become easier. Being able to have access to all forms of contraception is still a struggle in some parts of the world.

7 Easy ways to avoid pregnancy: 

#1. Contraception 

Any talk about pregnancy prevention involves a discussion on contraception. Most women are aware that this is the most common type of pregnancy prevention out there. But not everyone is informed about all the choices that are available. Let’s start with the basics.

#2. Condoms

These are thin latex tubes used on a man’s penis to prevent direct contact during intercourse. The main goal of this method is to stop sperm from going into the uterus and making contact with an egg. This is one of the greatest ways to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms are about 97% effective when used perfectly.

#3. Birth control pills

There is a huge variety in the type of pills that are available out there. These help women take charge of their sexual lives as well as give them more control on when they wish to get pregnant. It is always advisable to talk to your gynecologist about any health concerns before starting them, as a certain combination of pills might not be suitable for everyone. These are about 99% effective when they are taken regularly without skipping even one pill during each cycle.

#4. Birth control implants, patches and shots

The premise of this method is very similar to that of the pills. Either a patch or an injection is given every few months, which releases a sustained dose of hormones throughout your menstrual cycle. The patch is changed every week, whereas a shot of hormones is usually taken every three months. A hormonal implant can last for up to four years. These methods have a similar rate of efficiency as that of the pills, if used according to the guidelines.

#5. Intrauterine devices

These are small devices that are placed into the uterus. They usually release a hormone or other substances that kill off sperm or prevent ovulation. Well known examples of this is the copper T or a hormonal variant called Mirena. Many women today use this as a long term mode of contraception. They can be used for about five to ten years at a time without requiring a change. They are about 99% effective when placed properly into the uterus.

There are some less known and used methods such as the female condom, vaginal diaphragm, birth control sponges and spermicides. These aren’t very often opted for as birth control. However, a gynecologist can always give you more information regarding these and you can make a decision on whether these work for you or not.

#6. Natural methods of contraception

There are not many “natural” methods of avoiding pregnancy other than skipping sex all together. However, for women who have persistently regular periods, they can opt for what is popularly known as the “rhythm method” to plan intercourse.

Through this method, women are expected to track each of their cycles monthly and roughly estimate how long each cycle would last. Based on this, they can have an approximate date as to when they are likely to ovulate. This method also requires a woman to measure her basal body temperature and the thickness of her cervical mucus. A combination of all these measurements, can approximately indicate a date of ovulation.

In a 30 day cycle, days 11 to 21 are ideal days to abstain from intercourse. This is primarily because the sperm can stay in the warm comforts of the uterus for about four days, which is pretty close to a woman’s ovulation date. Today, there are many apps as well as ovulation testing kits that help a woman track her menstrual cycle and the days she is likely to ovulate.

#7. Emergency contraceptives 

This is an option on occasions when a method of contraception was not used during intercourse. It is most effective when it is taken within 72 hours of intercourse. There are different combinations of emergency hormonal contraceptive pills. Some come as one pill and some come in divided doses. The earlier the pill is taken, the more effective it is. In some instances, women opt to get an intrauterine device fitted to prevent pregnancy.

Options to terminate pregnancy has also become more accessible to women. If a woman is pregnant and finds out within the first seven weeks after conception, she is eligible for a medical termination of her pregnancy. Surgical abortions are usually advised after eight weeks of pregnancy. Women should also visit their gynaecologist whenever they find out they are pregnant and do not wish to continue with it. Terminating pregnancies without professional help is harmful to a woman’s health and can be fatal.

Many gynaecologists and women welfare centers work towards making a woman’s sexual health an important part of her life. Doctors are always open to discuss any concerns women may have about their sexual wellbeing. It is always advised to talk to a gynaecologist before opting for any method of contraception. Following up regularly with a gynaecologist is mandatory.

Dr. Michelle Frank
Call me your unconventional doctor, who is currently treading on the road less travelled. I love all things medicine. The human body and it’s inner workings never cease to fascinate me. Helping others is what gives me unparalleled satisfaction and keeps me marching on this enlightening and fulfilling journey.

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