How To Stop Breastfeeding: Know All About Weaning

Breastfeeding is one of the most precious moments a child shares with their mother. Due to the special bond built during this time, moms often have mixed emotions when the time comes to stop breastfeeding.

Work, the age of your toddler, or just simple life circumstances could be some of the multitudes of reasons why a nursing woman decides to stop breastfeeding. This article will explore the journey to stop breastfeeding and frequently asked queries on how to stop breastfeeding.

When is the right time to stop breastfeeding?

There is no specific time to stop breastfeeding. Women can decide based on their lifestyle and schedules when is the appropriate time to stop breastfeeding. Some women decide to wean within the first year, others continue breastfeeding until their toddler is two years of age.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends feeding your newborn baby exclusively with breastmilk for the first six months of their life. After this time frame, semi-solids can be added to a child’s daily diet along with breastmilk.

While this is an ideal scenario, most of the time mothers might not be able to meet the requirements for feeding their baby breast milk throughout the first year of their child’s life.

Medical conditions, limited maternity leave, an inability of the baby to latch correctly are some of the reasons why women decide to wean their babies earlier than expected.

Regardless of when a woman decides to wean, it is important to keep in mind, that if weaning is done before the first year is complete, formula milk should be used as a substitute. When weaning is attempted after the first year, cow’s milk can be used as a substitute.

What if my baby is not ready to stop breastfeeding?

For babies and toddlers, breastfeeding is more than just a process to satiety. It is also a moment to bond with their primary caregiver. The touch, smell, and sounds that a child’s mother makes during feeding sessions comfort her child. When deciding to reduce feeding sessions ensure that you spend equal amounts of time with your child as you would when you breastfeed your child. This is especially vital if you stop feeding before one year of age.

If your child is older (about two years of age), you can try to explain to your child why from now on you will be reducing feeding sessions. Alternate ways in which both you and your child can spend time together can also be worked out. Discuss activities, different types of food they would be interested in trying and also add in playtime with other family members.

There is no harm in delaying weaning if your child is not ready. If time permits, you can postpone the process for a couple of weeks to a month. Work on a schedule that can be put in place when you are sure that you are ready to start weaning. This works great for both you and your child as it will help smoothen the transition and also give you an idea of what to expect during the weaning process.

What are the different ways to attempt weaning off breast milk?

There are two basic ways in which a woman can stop breastfeeding her child, either gradually or immediately.

Gradual Weaning

Most women prefer to give a month’s buffer before they wish to completely stop breastfeeding. Opting to stop breastfeeding through a gradual process reduces the pain and also opens other options for your child one step at a time. There are several ways to reduce breastfeeding sessions over the course of a few weeks.

All children take different lengths of time to stop breastfeeding. Some may stop in a couple of weeks, while for others it might take a couple of months. Do not get disheartened, just keep trying.

Immediate Weaning

It is rarely advised to stop breastfeeding sessions abruptly. This is because it can cause confusion for your child and also result in pain due to engorgement and mastitis in your breasts. However, for some women the gradual process might not work as other commitments in their daily schedule might require attention.

While it is not promoted, ceasing breastfeeding abruptly is possible, with as little transition struggles than anticipated. If you decide to stop feeding immediately here are a few tips for you to help you through the process.

How can I reduce the pain incurred during this weaning period?

As a woman stops or reduces feeding sessions, her breasts continue to produce milk at the rate it was produced initially. This can lead to engorgement, plugged lactation ducts as well as inflammation. Not all women go through this, but there are some who might experience this to varying extents. There are some simple steps to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with this process.

In most cases, a woman’s breasts stop producing milk in about a week to ten days after she stops regular feeding sessions. If it prolongs it would be ideal to consult with a physician. Also during the weaning process, if the pain is unbearable or the breasts become inflamed it is mandatory to visit a doctor. Painkillers and appropriate anti-inflammatories can be prescribed to ease you through the process.

What changes will my body go through once I stop breastfeeding?

When you stop breastfeeding your body might go through several changes, mainly due to the shift in hormones. The hormones that favor milk production usually modulate the hormones that control your menstrual cycles. This is one of the reasons why some women have irregular to no menses at all during the first year after delivery. Some of the changes your body might go through during the weaning process is listed below.

These are some of the highlights of what the weaning and post weaning changes that might occur with your body. Hormonal fluctuations can also cause nausea, headaches and bloating. These can mimic premenstrual syndrome or even the early stages of pregnancy. Most women should ideally rule out pregnancy in such cases, but more often than not it is due to the shift in hormones that occur after you stop breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding is a great experience for any woman. Halting this process has several physical and emotional changes that occur in a woman’s life. Many of these changes can be especially trying but also open up new doors of building your relationship with your child. It is always best to be well informed before beginning the weaning process. Do not hesitate to get professional help when required. Seek assistance from those close to you to help you through this process with ease.

Dr. Michelle Frank
Call me your unconventional doctor, who is currently treading on the road less travelled. I love all things medicine. The human body and it’s inner workings never cease to fascinate me. Helping others is what gives me unparalleled satisfaction and keeps me marching on this enlightening and fulfilling journey.

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