Couldn’t Start Your Career After Graduation? Here’s Your Second Chance!

Preeti Talwar completed her masters in zoology and started her PhD. Then, she was awarded a UGC fellowship to pursue research associateship, which she completed, and got married shortly after that. Her husband’s job required extensive travelling which, unfortunately, impeded her from pursuing her career further. A few years later, she became a mother and was welcomed with a whole new set of responsibilities. Happily, she was raising her kids and managing the household work but wasn’t completely content with it.

Having worked so hard for her career and not being able to actively pursue it, developed a strong urge in her to join the professional world.

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Soon her children grew up and they, along with their father, encouraged Preeti to follow her passion and join a creative writing course. She soon had a diploma and learned other relevant technical skills too. Due to a long career break, she had difficulties finding suitable jobs. Then, one day, she came to know about internships and decided to apply to them. And she was finally hired by a publishing house as a proofreader. It was a virtual internship and so, she could work from the comfort of her home and manage her professional as well as personal life efficiently.

Along with it, she rekindled her love for writing and started sending out her articles to various online publishing houses. After this, she never turned around and kept doing more content writing internships and learned a great deal from them.

In the end, she applied for a content writing internship with a startup and because of her qualifications, experience and published work, was instead offered with an opportunity to head their education department, which she gladly agreed to. 

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Preeti fell in love with internships and is still pursuing one, for they gave her a career, which she couldn’t start in the first place, after completing her education. Just like Preeti, a lot of Indian women couldn’t even start their careers for reasons like handling familial responsibilities after getting married, raising their children, etc. They are usually happy and content with their lives but a constant wish to have a career always lingers and it gets stronger with time. After a few years, when they are well-settled and their kids grow up, they find themselves left with free time but hesitate to join the professional world as a result of a lack in current market skills, experience and self-confidence.

Internships, with their short-term and flexible nature, are the proven way to solve this issue. Internships turned Preeti’s life around and gave her an entirely new career. And, every one of you can also give a new start to your professional lives with internshipsHelpful articles to earn money:

Let me tell you, with the help of following points, as to why internships are the best way to go about starting your careers.

#1. Flexible working options:

One of the major concerns women have while joining the professional world is how will they maintain their work-life balance? Well, the good thing is, internships often come with part-time or work-from-home options which enables you to work from the comfort of your home. Also, internships require comparatively less commitment and thus, help you gradually take a hold on your work-life, before you full fledgedly join the workforce.

#2. Update your skill-set:

One of the major reasons why women are dubious about joining the workforce is the absence of current market skills. You might be well-educated but with the rise in technological advancement, the skill demand has also changed and internships offer you the chance to learn them by actually deploying them. Additionally, most of the internships come with a stipend thus, making it a win-win situation for you, as you will be paid to learn skills.

#3. Hands-on work experience:

Up-to-date skills are not the only thing that employers look for in a prospective employee. They expect at least a few months of work-experience even from the freshers. Internships give you the opportunity to earn that experience as you get to work on real-time projects there. Having this experience not only fulfils your future employers’ requirements but can also do wonders for your own self-confidence which of course, comes handy when you are giving a job interview.

#4. Build a network:

During an internship, you get to handle diverse responsibilities and work with different teams and people. You get to know about various aspects of a business and can explore various career options. And, along with it, you get to build a network, which often proves helpful when you are finally looking for real jobs (For, it is widely known that many employers hire their employees for certain positions through references only).

This article has been written by Sarvesh Agrawal, the Founder & CEO of Internshala.

Sarvesh Agrawal
Sarvesh Agrawal is the founder & CEO of Internshala - an internship & training platform. An alumnus of IIT Madras, Sarvesh worked with Capital One, Barclays & Aviva plc before starting up. From the past 7 years, he is on a mission to build a 'world-full of opportunities' for students by providing meaningful internships and reducing the skill gap between the industry and the students.

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