Pregnancy Diet: Eating Right During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a life-altering milestone in a woman’s life. During this period, your body needs added nutrition for proper growth of the baby. With a nutritious diet, not only will your baby be healthy and strong, it will also be easier for you to lose pregnancy weight after childbirth.


Nutritional requirements during pregnancy

Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters that witness specific growth milestones of the baby. With the baby’s growth, the nutritional requirements vary in each trimester. So, it is important to know the nutrients needed for each phase and eat well to ensure you are nurturing a healthy baby. You can build a nutritious pregnancy diet either yourself or in concurrence with your dietician.


What to eat during pregnancy 

A well-balanced diet during pregnancy should include fruits, vegetables, dairy foods, proteins, and whole grains. You must have three to four servings of fruit every day and can choose from fresh, frozen, canned, or dried fruits. To maintain proper intake of Vitamin C, ensure you include at least one citrus fruit such as orange, grapefruit etc in your diet. If you prefer juices, choose pure fruit juices limited to one cup a day as it is high on calorie but low on fibre content. Similarly, take three to five servings of vegetables every day, which may include broccoli, kale, spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, winter squash, corn, yellow peppers, tomatoes, red peppers, and so on.

Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, etc are used to get the calcium needed for the baby to grow and to keep your bones strong. If you find difficulty digesting milk due to intolerance for lactose, consider lactose-free milk, or products such as calcium-fortified soymilk.

To meet your protein requirements, you can consider lean meats, poultry, fish, and eggs. If you are a vegetarian, you can choose beans, lentils, split peas, nuts, and seeds.

Prefer whole grains over white flour to help meet your fibre needs. You must have at least six servings of grains every day, with half of them being whole grains, as they are rich in fibre. Fibre is essential for a proper bowel movement and reduces chances of constipation, hemorrhoids and other related conditions.


Diet for First Trimester

The first trimester (first six weeks) is a breeze for some, while many women feel nauseated, have difficulty swallowing anything other than water or saltines, and lose appetite early in the pregnancy. But, there are certain foods that every pregnant woman must eat during the first trimester, once nausea and other symptoms subside. A varied diet will not only help get you and your baby all the important nutrients but will also introduce your baby to the various tastes through the amniotic fluid.

During the first trimester of pregnancy folate (folic acid, vitamin B) is a vital nutrient as it reduces the risk of neural-tube defects by about 70% in the baby. It is recommended that you get 600 micrograms of this vital nutrient every day in the first trimester and 400 micrograms daily for the rest of your pregnancy. Remember folate is not that properly absorbed from foods as folic acid, so you may need folic acid supplements. Zinc requirement increases by 50 percent to 15 milligrams per day during pregnancy and its deficiency can lead to birth defects such as inadequate fetal growth and premature delivery.

First trimester - What to eat

For the first trimester you must include the following, to meet the nutritional requirements during pregnancy:

First trimester - Foods to avoid during pregnancy

The first trimester is the most vulnerable period of pregnancy. Therefore:


Diet for Second Trimester

The second trimester marks the rapid growth of the baby, especially the bones and brain. It is during the second trimester that the baby grows fingerprints, functional nerves, full-length limbs and all the five senses. Therefore, nutrition intake becomes very important and the need for protein, calcium, vitamin D, and Omega 3 increases. Another nutrient that is important for the formation of healthy blood and skin is beta-carotene, a type of Vitamin A.

The focus in this trimester should be on energy-dense nutrients. Food rich in protein such as chicken, chickpeas, and yoghurt is needed now. Continue taking foods rich in folic acid and iron along with the prescribed prenatal vitamin and mineral supplements.

Second trimester - What to eat

Second trimester - Foods to avoid during pregnancy


Diet for the Third trimester

The third trimester is a crucial phase of the development of your baby’s metabolism. Therefore, you must focus on nutritious food including folic acid, iron, calcium and fibre; and cut off junk altogether. Focus on the following nutrients in your third trimester:

It is true that due to the rapid growth of the baby, your energy requirements in the third trimester are far greater than in the first or second trimesters. You need extra 200 calories a day, but that does not mean you need to eat for two! 200 calories measure up to an extra chapati or an extra glass of milk every day.

Third trimester - What to eat

Third trimester - Foods to avoid during pregnancy



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