A Poetess Who Pays Back The SHEROES Community By Teaching English

She is 47, a mom to two young girls. Teaches English and Maths at Siliguri in West Bengal, India. A loved teacher who is one of the many in the crowd of educators in India.

But at SHEROES she is one of the most acclaimed poets! Take a look at some of these beauties from her pen in the Poetry Community On SHEROES.

Being a poet at heart myself and having begun my poetic journey at the age of six. I was really intrigued by Mala Nirola's profile. And thus her story unfolds as below, through a lovely chat we had.

Mala begins with a joy in her voice, memories are after-all precious, "As a young girl, I liked the rhyming words in the poems that sounded like jingles to me. At home, my siblings and I spoke to each other in couplets, just as a game, by rhyming the last word. In class ten, I was given an assignment to write. I wrote it in the form of a poem. My teacher’s words of appreciation were magical. Since then there has been no looking back."

But we all love to look back, at certain precious moments in life. Thus, without interrupting her, I let the poet in her flow with words...

"I will also not forget the day I connected to SHEROES platform. A close friend and colleague of mine who knew about SHEROES sent me a link and suggested to join. She told me that my work would get suggestions, appreciations and help me to improve manifold. It did. My journey with SHEROES although short but has been wonderful. It has given me the power and confidence to exhibit my true self. It has given me a perfect platform and recognition. It is a great feeling to be welcomed and accepted by all," she chuckles from behind the phone and goes on to add," SHEROES has been instrumental in tagging me with the adjective poetess, awarded me with badges, encouraging to believe in myself and appreciating at all the times. My dream of being known as a writer, a poetess has been fulfilled by SHEROES. Now I even have a website that I created after joining SHEROES: Pentelltales It's my heart poured out in words …" Her voice is so elated that I can imagine a young girl jumping with joy!

But then it is not just poems and related accolades, that have kept her glued to SHEROES. There is more to it, "SHEROES platform is a safe place where women can voice their opinions and share their happiness and sorrow in the equal measure without being judged upon by anyone. It is a nice platform to showcase one's talent and being recognised also."

And Mala says SHEROES' strength has made her more vocal and stand against towards issues that plague the society.

"I strongly believe that however empowered a woman maybe yet she does not feel safe in any part of the world. Sexual abuse in all forms is rampant. Woman is looked as an object rather than a being. Human trafficking especially prostitution and begging disturbs me. I wish I could an NGO and do something about it," says a very assertive and determined Mala who is a mother to two young girls.

Mala says SHEROES has been a great platform where she has improved for the better. Thus, it was payback time. And what a way to express gratitude. Mala has been training and helping women in the English Winglish Community, where she answers regular queries on how to improve grammar and basic skills. Take a look at one of the ASK ME ANYTHING Sessions that she held in the past. It has been a rage!

She goes onto add, “I have always felt proud of who I am. This is how God has created me. I have given birth to two beautiful girls, I have raised them, I love to fulfil my wishes and take care of myself. I am blessed to have a loving husband, great friends and family. What more can I ask God for! Never in my 21 years of married life has he ever doubted or questioned me. But not everyone is that privileged. And that's where I wish to make a difference. And I am sure, if I stay determined, I will be doing something positive for all women out there who need just a little support to heal their wings and make them fly! After all, I don't need an NGO of mine to do this simple basic thing in the English Winglish Community, right?" My heart said: ALL THE BEST MALA, MAY YOU BE BLESSED WITH MORE POWER!!. Because she keeps doing this work on a regular basis. Take a look at how.

And just when I feel that how wonderful Mala's life is, she tells me something, which is again an inspiration for so many young girls out there.

"I failed in the final year of my graduation. The same year when I won a Personality Contest at Siliguri. It was a year of mixed emotions since I could not clear the exams even in the second attempt, two months down the line. My mind had started wandering, because I knew I wasn't bad in my subjects. The pain, the anger of having a three-year-old relationship with a wrong guy, which I regret till date, was the root cause.”

Mala takes a pause only to resume, this time with a louder-positive voice, "I left studies altogether but after a gap of 5 years I was back on my feet and passed the exam this time."

The same year she informs me that she got engaged. "Marriage happened, followed by birth of two daughters within 5 years and during this period I continued my studies. Did my bridge course in English, completed M.A. and enrolled for BEd in IGNOU. Within this period I was working in a reputed ICSE school too. So work, studies rearing children all happened together. And between all these I have had a major accident leaving scars on my face; many major surgeries. But somehow the positive soul in me, would just keep dragging me out of mourning. Be that of losing my father at an early age, or my brother last year, each bad experience has left me stronger."

The environs had got a little emotionally hot. To cool it a bit, I diverted her attention asking her about her life in Siliguri. How about the life for women in general there?

Mala says, "Siliguri is a wonderful town, well connected with all the major cities in India by air, trains, and buses. Women here in majority are educated and are aware of their rights. Women do take education seriously though. Earlier there were certain restrictions for girls but not now. People have a broader outlook with the changing times Mahima, but still much needs to change."

So what's the change needed Mala? What do you think is still not OK with Siliguri? Pat comes her reply, "Mahima, illiteracy may be less but lack of awareness is also seen in many cases. Women work for lesser wages in construction sites and girls go to pluck tea leaves or work as housemaids to support the family and sometimes to sustain themselves. Being closer to tea gardens we get to hear about poor girls being lured and trafficked to big cities. This is one thing that bothers me and rips my heart. There are many NGO's that work for them still a lot needs to be done. God willing, if I am able to set up an NGO, I sure will take charge to make their lives better. Do pray for me, ok?" I respond with a loud "YES, OF COURSE!"

A mother, a poet, an educator, a woman with a dream mission but then who is Mala at heart?

She takes a pause and responds, "Mala is a confident woman, slightly hesitant, but an optimist at all times. An accommodating woman who is an extrovert, has an expressive, vocal, romantic, friendly persona to her which is all the time self-motivated yet sentimental; strict yet a free bird. I simply love reading and travelling. Mala is sensitive to issues like cruelty and violence. She is not afraid of anything or that is how she projects herself. She is upfront and doesn't mince words when she has to stand for the right."

So what's your message to your umpteen supporters and fans at SHEROES, Mala?

She laughs and says," Fans? I am not a celeb yet, still gratitude to each one, if you assert so. All I will say is to strive hard to get the best education possible. It is the strongest weapon a woman has to fight against all odds. Failure is just a Seeping Stone to Success. So keep praying and striving for nothing but the best!"

And Mala leaves us with the lines by Paolo Coelho's from the bestseller ALCHEMIST.

"When you sincerely yearn for something, the entire Universe will conspire for you to achieve it."

That was Mala Nirola, up-close, personal and inspiring in our ongoing #MeetTheSheroes Series. Don't forget to share her story in your circle as well as pour some love in the comments for her. You can follow her on SHEROES.

Mahima Sharma
An award-winning Independent Journalist & Content Curator based in New Delhi. She is Ex-News Editor, CNN-News18 and ANI (a collaboration with Reuters) who comes with an experience of 14 years in Print, TV and Digital Journalism. She is the only Indian who finds a mention in the Writers' Club of Country Squire Magazine, United Kingdom. Sufi at heart, she also has some 30 poems to her credit at various reputed international podiums.

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