Why be afraid of the unknown?

My brother was too busy over the weekend to take care of Rusty, the lab puppy. So he requested me to take care of his young buddy over the weekend.  Now, I stay with my in-laws and they never had a pet. And change never makes them very comfortable. I asked them if we could have Rusty for a day and they very hesitatingly (excited too) they gave us the permission to bring him over.

From the moment Rusty came over until the moment he left, it was my in-laws taking care of him and we were just mere spectators to the entire show. They took care of his food, sleep and play – checking on to what he was upto every 15 minutes.  It was surprising how well they accustomed to the change, liked something which they had never thought of doing.

We humans are strange. We are so afraid of the unknown that we don’t even try. We are comfortable with putting in the least amount of effort, and not willing to put up with short-term pain for long-term gain. Just like my in-laws. They never had a pet and were afraid to get one. When we step out of our comfort zone, we discover and grow. Similar to what my family experienced. Once they embraced the change, let Rusty stay, they fell in love with him and now they want one at home.

Why be afraid of the unknown? Do it. Do it now.  And then when you do, you wonder why you didn't do it sooner. Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity. Ask yourself - "What would I do if I weren't afraid?" Always remember what Erin Hanson wrote:

“There is freedom waiting for you,
On the breezes of the sky,
And you ask "What if I fall?"
Oh but my darling,
What if you fly?”

Image Souce.

Smriti Middha
Marketing and strategy professional helping brands leverage the new media to meet their business objectives. I help build brand communities, nurture them and take care of their social communications. A travel enthusiast, I also run a monthly travel ezine - Travel Chronicles

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