Mistakes to Avoid When Dealing with your New Boss

Most bosses know instinctively that their power depends more on employee's compliance than on threats or sanctions. - Fernanda Bartolme

Alright, so you’re just about to begin a new job or maybe it’s your first job and foray into the corporate world. Do you know what you should and more importantly shouldn’t do when dealing with a new boss? Maybe the tips below will prepare you for the new journey you are about to embark on.

Forgetting to Ask Questions 

You may have just completed an MBA in a prestigious institute. But that is no comparison to someone who has had years of practical experience. Says Mudita, Director at Clarus Media, ‘what you learn in theory is one side of the corporate story. Putting it to work in the real working world is another. You have to keep learning on the job, keep asking your new boss questions’. Keep learning so that you can get ahead in your career. Lastly, questions show that you are interested in your work.

Thinking your Boss is your Friend

First off, bear in mind that your boss is your superior. The boss is going to assess how you work, what potential you have and decide whether to keep you on board or not. So keep your interaction professional. You cannot start talking about what you did last Saturday night or where you and your partner decided to have dinner the weekend before.

You’ll have different kinds of bosses at the workplace. Some will be severely aggressive and rude while others may turn out to be quite friendly. Irrespective of their nature, you have to learn where to draw the line. Your interaction should be limited to workplace issues and general topics. Keep it professional!

Forgetting to Adapt a Code of Conduct

Learn to start the day with a formal greeting when you see your new boss. Avoid greeting him/her with an informal ‘HI!’ Stick to a more formal ‘Hello, How are you today’? This code of conduct will turn in your favour over time.

Forgetting to Ask for Feedback

Just because the boss hasn’t given you feedback on something you’ve recently done, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t follow up. The onus is on you to check whether what you’ve done is at par with what is expected. Send an email to your superior asking for a quick feedback and whether you should revise or rework.

Paroma Sen
Paroma Sen is a professional content and creative writer.

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