Meet the SHEROES - Venetia Vickers

Find something you are passionate about and stay interested in it! - Julia Child 

What line of work are you in?
I work in the field of baking and I have started by own brand of designer cakes, cupcakes and desserts under the brand name Venetia's Crumbilicious. I am based out of Bangalore. 

How did the inspiration to enter this field of work come about?
I have always dreamt of having my own F&B venture. I am very passionate about food and I believe that good food always makes for happy people! TLC, Masterchef Australia, foodie groups on social media, the number of great recipe books in book stores et al made me realise that, like me, there is a large populace out there that is equally passionate about food and is eager and and willing to try different kinds of cuisines and recipes. It was equally clear that it's not just the flavour but also the way food looks that is supremely important. And that's when I decided to turn my passion into my work and there's been no turning back! Why did I pick baking? Easy! Because I have an equally enthusiastic mother who introduced me to the joys of baking during my childhood. I'm very fond of cooking too, but the satisfaction I get after every cake or cupcake I bake and decorate is priceless and unparalleled! 

What are the top 3 life lessons your profession has taught you?
I have been running this business for over two years now and there have been a number of lesssons i have learnt along the way. There have been many challenges and with each challenge, a learning. But the top three lessons which are also proving to be supremely useful beyond the work space are Patience, Innovation and always being prepared for contingencies.

(Also read - 18 Best Kitchen Hacks you could use!)

What are the biggest challenges you face as a working  woman / entrepreneur?
As any other woman, I have to work doubly hard to have people take me seriously. Fortunately, my work speaks for itself so I have been able to create a brand and name for myself. I've had people come upto me on some occasions and say "Hey, you're the cake lady aren't you!" And that feels so great! But honestly, working out a work-life/family balance while running ones own business is not a piece of cake! It's not a 9 to 5 job. I've had to stay up all night on several occasions due to large orders. So there are no fixed working hours- just strict timelines and orders that need to be delivered! 

Another challenge I've had to face as a woman entrepreneur is having to personally deal with all kinds of people. While its been pleasant for the most part, there have been the odd characters who openly judge me and think that cooking and baking is for housewives and women who have nothing else to do! I use to initially explain to them that I'm an economist from St. Stephen's College and that I've worked as a consultant for several years before I gave up the corporate life to pursue my passion. But now it doesn't bother me any more! I am thrilled with what I do, life seems so much more meaningful, I bring smiles to my client's faces and i go to bed with a feeling of contentment and honestly, those are the only things that matter to me!

Can you share some inspiration or thoughts that you live by?
Find your passion and follow it! Surround yourself with people who encourage you and support you. Never forget your principles and morals. And very very importantly, Live Life Kingsize. There will always be ups and downs in life, the trick is to know that you have one life to live so you might as well live it fully!!

Paroma Sen
Paroma Sen is a professional content and creative writer.

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