Meet the SHEROES - Swati Mehrotra

Swati Mehrotra started her own Footwear Design firm – swatimodo. A student of FDDI Swati was always intrigued by human character and its diversity. She tells us how this fascination led to starting up –

Q1. How did you get into the field of footwear design?

Human character and diversity in human behaviour has always fascinated me and what can be more apt canvas than shoes to depict same, swatimodo shoes are reflection of some such characteristics

I love playing with human ideas and nature always inspires me getting a shoe canvas gave me opportunity to showcase that passion for life and admire the beauty in my own way. As a kid I was always inclined towards dancing singing painting all non-academic stuff I feel that inclination towards art which was identified by my father and supported by mom gave my life a direction. FDDI added the technical skills and end product is "swatimodo"

Q2. What do you need to be part of this field?

You need a 3 years degree to be a technically perfect shoemaker. Colleges like FDDI and NIFT specialize in shoes but more than qualification I feel passion with patience plays more important role. Shoe is very technical work very precise yet very creative that blend of creative technicality requires lot of patience.

Q3. What are the biggest challenges you face at work?

I Feel it’s a male dominated industry, consumer demands are varied and meeting those especially when you make a bespoke product is little tricky at times , I can briefly lay the challenges faced as a bespoke designer in terms of market acceptance raw material availability and work management . We do not fall in zone of corporates neither. Are unplanned units that space in between these two zones are filled by us where it gets challenging to operate.

Q4. How do you see yourself professionally in the next five years?

I see myself dressing the world’s feet with swatimodo.

Q5. What advice would you give other SHEROES out there?

Just be yourself, being a SHERO loads of hurdles will come from society but don’t lose the identity and stay focused. Make sure you are able to look yourself in mirror and proudly say "I followed what I believed in" dream big follow your heart you only live once and honestly there are no rules to live as far as your actions do not hurt other humans.

Paroma Sen
Paroma Sen is a professional content and creative writer.

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