Meet the SHEROES - Stuti Jain

She is young, she is talented and she runs two businesses! A lawyer first and a designer later, that is what sums up Stuti! It’s definitely fascinating to hear about someone who runs two such diverse entities professionally. Let’s see what this SHERO has to say,

You are the entrepreneur of 2 completely different types of business. How did the ideas for both come about?

I am the sole proprietor of the law firm "SSJ Associates" as well as the founder of "Amod by Stuti" which offers trousseau styling and personal shopping services. 

Law was something that happened by default.  I come from a typical Marwari family and law was not something my parents had in mind for me. It is a five year course with long working hours.

They were more in favour of me taking up vocational courses like fashion designing or jewellery designing so that the same could be continued from home after marriage. Also, these courses were shorter in duration. However, I was determined to do something that was not done in the family before. I guess it was more of a rebellious act than anything else.

I did my LL. B. from Mumbai and then LL.M. from London in 2007 and have been practising as a lawyer since.  I specialize in litigation and arbitration. I decided to start my own law firm by the name of SSJ Associates in January 2014. 

Apart from law, there has always been an inbuilt passion for styling, shopping and fashion. I knew I would someday make this hobby a profession too.

Having started my own law firm gave me the time and flexibility to start 'Amod by Stuti' which focuses on helping a woman to find the celebrity within her. Women today have the money but lack the time to shop or are under peer pressure of picking the wrong outfit, one which may not enhance their personality.

What inspired you to start your own legal proprietorship?

Stepping into my thirties just made me feel that it was high time. I had interned with law firms for 5 years and then practiced as an Associate and a Senior Associate for 6 years.

I had the confidence and will power to start on my own. Further, having had some regular clientele and family support only made the decision a lot easier for me.

How do you manage your work as a lawyer and a designer? What is your average weekday like?

Client meetings whether for legal purposes or for styling purposes are strictly by appointments only.

I try to personally shop for clients of Amod by Stuti over the weekends so that no ongoing legal cases are affected during the court working days. Thus my average weekday is from 11 am to 7 pm but, flexible depending upon the pressure of work. On days where I have over worked, I do not hesitate to pamper myself with a weekday off. There should be some perks of being your own boss!

What are your short term future plans for both your businesses?

I intend to expand both in their own respective fields, get more staff and reach out to more people in the near future and I am confident that this will happen as my work will speak for itself.

Can you elaborate some of the biggest challenges women entrepreneurs face and some key tips on overcoming them?

I think the biggest challenge that women entrepreneurs face is the need to prove themselves to people who comprise of their staff, their contemporaries, clients as well as their near and dear ones. At all steps of been a woman entrepreneur, people doubt you and your capabilities and at times even demoralize you which can lead to self doubting.

Your inner strength, belief and the fire in you to prove the others wrong will overcome these hurdles. Last but not the least, Rome was not built in a day therefore, patience is needed to sail through the initial difficult journey. 

Paroma Sen
Paroma Sen is a professional content and creative writer.

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