Meet the SHEROES - Shreya S Bathrinath

Starting a site dedicated to the world of child birthing news is of course one splendid idea and Shreya Bathrinath did just that. On her site, the collated information and helpful advice can help any newly pregnant mother get through her period of 9 months doubt-free.

Let’s hear Shreya’s story today!

How did the idea of your site come about?

I have been a childbirth educator since the last 4 yrs. There aren’t many internet based childbirth educators in India. Since my Target Group is the urban, city based expectant couple, internet was an inevitable choice to be found and to reach out to the masses.

What is your target market? 

My target market as mentioned are city couples who want babies, those at the preconception stage, expectant couples, parents of the expectant couples and similar others.

Geographically I am focusing on Bangalore for now but hope to move on to other metros soon.

How does a site like this benefit the clientele? 

Expectant couples do have a lot of questions or apprehensions. A site like this gives ready access to structured information on the matter of childbirth updated blogs share relevant topics on the matter and it also educates them about the services.

Ready information that is reliable is the need of the hour for those going through this process.

What sets your business apart?

The nuclear family is a norm these days in the urban culture. The youth migrate to metros in search of opportunities. They live away from families or are living independently. Young couples are more than anxious during their preconception and prenatal stage and they look forward for information, advice (Dos and Don’ts) and support on handling and managing the phase without compromising anything to do their best in the interest of the to-be-born and the mom-to-be.

Non-medical Prenatal and postnatal support is an evolving need.  There’s only so much you can discuss and talk to your doctor about after all.

As a childbirth education firm, we aim to be the support, information centre and best adviser our patrons can get. We plan to evolve by innovating and expanding our services and also include products under our brand in future. 

What advice can you give fellow entrepreneurs? 

When you are following your passion - be determined and strong to withstand temporary compulsions, reassure yourself and avoid adhoc opportunities that might keep you from being focused on your goal.

What are your short term business goals?

To promote and enable couples and families have a calm and pleasant birthing experience. It doesn’t have to be a complicated process and it doesn’t have to be something you are fearful of! It can be a pleasant journey that is also a learning experience.

Paroma Sen
Paroma Sen is a professional content and creative writer.

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