Meet the SHEROES - Sheetal Jotwani

Sheetal Jotwani started entrepreneurial venture – Innovix HR Consulting to strike a balance. She shares some interesting tips for returning women professionals and what to keep in mind when updating your profile with us today, read for more - 

Tell us a little about yourself.

I am Sheetal Jotwani, Founder, Director of Innovix HR Consulting. I am an Entrepreneur & HR Professional with experience of 8 years in diverse industries (Banking, E-Commerce & Oil & Gas Consulting).

I have been in Mumbai for the last 8 years, I am originally from Nagpur.

How did the idea of Innovix HR come about? 

I was working with a start-up in the e-commerce space and I witnessed the transformation of a simple idea into an extraordinary company. This triggered my confidence to become an Entrepreneur. I parted from that job to form my consulting firm Innovix HR Consulting. I was very clear and wanted to balance my career ambition with family orientation. Which is why I chose the Tech -space as it lets me maintain this balance and work at my own pace.

How is Innovix different from other HR firms?

Innovix  HR Consulting recruits exceptional candidates based on psychometric Testing and Emotional Intelligence. We select candidates based on candidates background and reference check.  Innovix is not only limited to Recruitments but also provides Training & Developmental for Professional competence, Leadership skills, Sales excellence, Service excellence, Quality, Six Sigma, Lean, PMP and IT Trainings. Innovix plans to launch its distinct HR feature WIFI HR wherein Organizations can outsource all HR Activities like Policy making, Payroll, Talent Acquisition & Retention System, Record Maintenance systems, Employee Rewards & Recognition, Performance Managements Strategy, Contract Management, and Workforce Monitoring & Emergency Assist. By outsourcing HR functions, business leaders gain time to play a more strategic role in their organizations. "Great companies are formed by great people"

What top 3 things would you say returning women professionals keep in mind?

Many women fear taking a career break thinking about the challenges after returning and usually lack the confidence. I feel that returning women professionals should (i) continue with their same field / careers line focusing on their strengths (ii) keep themselves updated with latest technologies & upgrade latest skills set in their domain (iii) Look presentable, well dressed and have self-confidence. Organizations should also support by providing training and mentioning programs and a supportive peer environment.

What are the biggest mistakes job aspirants, especially women make when updating their profile?

Instead of keeping profile generic, women should invest time in mentioning their skills and build a profile tailor-made to fit the job description. Taking the time to understand what truly the employer is looking for. It should be brief and aspirants should genuinely mention about the responsibilities they have been handling so far and results delivered by then. They should also mention their interests on learning new skills in a particular domain. The dates of previous job should be exact. Instead of mentioning objective statement like (Seeking a role as an investment analyst to advance my career in the financial industry) I suggest, try creating a headline that accentuates your value to your target company, such as (Transforming complex business problems in the financial sector)

What advice would you give aspirants looking for a career change?

If you u have worked for number of years in a particular domain and gained quiet a lot of expertise in it, keep a few things in mind before making a career change. (i) Can I leverage my existing competencies in the new domain (ii) do I have knowledge about the new domain or will I have to start right from scratch (iii) risk -  benefits analysis of the new career path.

Can you share some words of advice for our readers?

In order to be successful in your career you should love your work, Practice it and keep updating latest skillset in your domain. “Genius is not in genetics, genius is the realm of Practice”. Take calculated risks. Success comes through perfection & perfection comes through practice and productivity. 

Paroma Sen
Paroma Sen is a professional content and creative writer.

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