Meet the SHEROES - Gauri Sarin

Gauri specialized in HRD, has a deep passion for her field and although her interests are diverse has focused on the selection related aspect of HRD.
She has built a business which over the last 18 yrs has covered various industry sectors, their forte being a consultative approach to recruitment for both clients and candidates. She has built a team of inspired Career Designers.

She is currently in the process of organization building, stronger customer focus and moving to building a practice of talent solutions to provide more value added services to customers through Approach Talent Solutions ltd. She tell us about her career and life here- 


Yesterday a buddy remarked that he was paying me a compliment packaged in three words: Dynamic, intelligent and a simpleton!

As expected, the simpleton caught my attention and I was curious to know why he felt so and secondly if it was a compliment at all!

But I wasn't listening…just reflecting...and realized he was so right. I had lived my life like a simpleton, not trying to be smart, or outsmart someone, not learning the ropes and tricks of the world yet living it up in my own way, struggling and rebellious a few times but mostly valiantly honest to myself!

Most see me as a passionate person, an independent woman, some as an emotional, caring, headstrong woman, a few others as a spiritual part Sadhvi living in the world not out of choice, and yet some as a confusing mix of a 'successful' business woman yet, with a larger purpose to serve.

All packed in one but I am which one?

Work was my Mantra

Blessed I am to have done well in my profession as a Headhunter and early Entrepreneur, started my firm Approach International as early as 1996 just 4 years post my PG at XLRI,  but on my own terms.


As a Recruiter, I was surrounded by people communicating, coaching, networking, listening for hours on end, at times 14 hour days including weekends, yet an introvert who avoided socializing most deliberately, my initial work life was a Mantra of work, work and work! It was an ultimate paradox.

Was I successful? Yes

Was I successful AND happy? Honestly, NO

For a long time I felt it was my work that stressed and frustrated me. But I still loved what I did. And I knew it made a difference.
And it gave me good honest money with no compromises or risks.

But, fulfillment was missing.


In 2005 after attending the Art of Living Course, much started changing in my relationship with work and life. The positivity it generated gave a new meaning to work. And life started moving towards a balance of work, service and celebration with a family far beyond one's own.

Satisfaction, success, happiness started to get redefined. And I wanted to spend more and more time to serve the society. Was this the path to fulfillment?

Life had found a different purpose and meaning.

Conflict and Integration

Over 18 years, my firm Approach International had worked for several hundred companies, I had spoken to the best of professionals and had achieved success in gaining goodwill of many of my customers of which several became good friends.

But my heart knew this was not all, there was more to it which I ached for. I was on the crossroads facing a dilemma- should I grow and become richer and more famous in the corporate world or spend my time sharing my resources with society?

The war between the material and spiritual had started troubling me. The bliss and peace of the spiritual space was too captivating in front of the transient joys of the world.

And then, a process of integration started. The real expression of my Self in the world came effortlessly in re-inventing myself ....into a completely new space in Public life, in active politics, the means for change.

Aided by meditation.

Rediscovering and Reinventing

My challenge was learning the ropes of Leadership in Action, bringing a Vision alive, observing myself being in centre and losing only to expand myself beyond me and the clutches of the Corporate world. Campaigns on Dilli Meri Yamuna, Clean Delhi Drive and Program on MSME ...all three were opportunities to test myself in different aspects of fund raising, networking and bringing a Vision to Reality.

It surprises me, I have already walked this path for two years towards nation building...learning, meeting, influencing new spaces including setting up a new political platform for change. All starts with a single thought and the first step. I am glad I did not hesitate then.

New Initiatives

A few of us have got together to launch Gurgaon Action Plan, a citizens movement to contribute to governance, build a public policy Think Tank of professionals and a platform to build new Political  Leadership.

Being active on social media has helped me connect to a vast variety of opinions and connections, each having enriched me and in turn build the dreams I had dreamt.

I am particularly interested in Women as Leaders and want to see more and more of the best leaders among women enter public life and succeed. Sharing success, inspiring and empowering others fill me with great satisfaction.

Transformation lies Within

And so has serving my Master Sri Sri Ravishankar, a big factor in my transformation. He taught me that outward expression is simply an unfolding from within. And that Life is a Celebration.

My realization: The key is Awareness. With Awareness, comes deep compassion and unlimited potential.
Each of us deserve to unlock this wealth within.

My message: Have a deep and sincere intention and a yearning to fulfill it, it will fructify.

And to each woman who reads this: This Lifetime is to fully express yourself in every way.


It is to have hundreds of new leaders and passionate people emerge from their closets to build a nation and create a society we all dream of.

For my business: To enlarge people's visions of themselves and their work through Coaching.

For my home: To create a space for a larger and larger loving family ....simpler, sweeter and reassuring.

SHEROES - lives and stories of women we are and we want to be. Connecting the dots. Moving the needle. Also world's largest community of women, based out of India. Meet us at @SHEROESIndia

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