Meet the SHEROES - Bindu Madhu

Bindhu Madhu has just recently founded her own Design Studio. However, this studio focuses on designs for children! Be it toys and games or sessions for parents and children, The DOT Design is a place that creates special things for young ones.

How did this interesting idea come about and what is her journey like? Let’s ask Bindhu, founder of The DOT Design.

What line of Business are you in? How did the idea of your own company come about?

The DOT Design is a Design Studio. We focus on ‘Designing for Children’. These designs do not include apparels, for now. We design other things like toys, games, related children’s products, space and workshops for kids, parents & teachers.

The Idea came about because I have always been pretty delighted by how children ‘think’, their ‘no-inhibition-talks’, what they do/say and why? They always seem to have a reason for everything. And they have a never ending flow of questions. This inquisitiveness is what I want to capture and keep alive, through my products.

I was lucky enough to get myself a qualification in this field from a prestigious institution which gave me added strength to stand on my own.

What challenges do women entrepreneurs face when setting up a business?

I believe entrepreneurs be it women or men have no dearth of challenges. These challenges include aspects like - where to begin, to setting limits, client sourcing and what not.

But yes, women do have a few extra ones, some add-ons. Any entrepreneur needs to give 24/7 to their business at-least initially for the first 1 year till they are stable.

Women as such being the one who ‘also’ takes the whole sole responsibility of home might wish there was a few more hours in a day. By being a woman entrepreneur it does not change anything at home. This can then reflect on her growth. She may question her own ability.

Do qualifications matter in the design / creative world? Or is passion enough? Please elaborate your thoughts on this?

I too have a qualification which I can boast of. But then ‘name’ of the institution is only as good as ‘attracting’ clients and then it’s for you to decide whether they stay with you or not.

That now will be decided by you keeping up to their expectation with your work. Your work is what speaks more, so if you fail there then no big degree can ever save you!

But in the so-called ‘creative’ field some acquired skills essential for your kind-of work will definitely help you achieve more.

What are your short term plans for the business?

For many years now I have worked for companies, done freelance work and so on.As of now I have just started off on my own – I am still in the registering process! As of now we ‘take on the Design Projects’ which will ideally be for manufacturers.

In the near future I plan to start a line of toys on my own, to begin with, it will be an online shop, which now seems to be the easiest option to hop into.

The shop will cater to simple but engaging toys, games and some products. The site will be open for parents to discuss, something like a forum, a meeting place. We will conduct workshops (as needed /requested) and will also provide memorable gifts that one can give their own’ child /children.

What advice can you give fellow SHEROES out there?

Remember a steep slope that one can slide down on, will also take us up if we try, the climb will definitely be tough, but worth it. Believe in yourself and stay ‘immune’ to negative thoughts and people around you.

Carpe Diem!!! Everyday!

Paroma Sen
Paroma Sen is a professional content and creative writer.

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