Meet The SHEROES: A QnA With Rachna Sharma: Life Strategist, Speaker, Author & Philanthropist

Tell us about yourself and the idea behind “Rachna Sharma & Company”? What is the core product / service offering?

I have a bachelor degree in hotel management and have undergone a program for leadership development from Harvard business School. I also envisioned and founded Vision 2021 – One Million Youth for Peace.

The Rachna Sharma & Company has identified the opportunity gap in India in self-development / improvement Industry.

India being the youngest country is going to go through a transition – from need-based on self-development / awakening.

Our products and services are focused on improving the lives of people through soulful leadership & integrated life.

Life Strategy

These signature products are called “Integrated Life” & “Soulful Leadership” and have a three step process in private life / strategy

Event / Workshop Products

To ensure scale to create larger impact we also organize activities/workshops and events and provide services that inspire vision, create understanding and facilitate change and support development of responsible leadership and global citizenship.

Leadership Matrix

A unique platform to engage young and bright minds in innovative / creative pursuits to fulfill their purpose in life. The matrix fuels the personal social and economic development through resourceful incubators mentors advisors and investors.

Vision 2021 – One million  youth for peace.

As one of our initiative to impact the lowly peace index of India, vision 2021 is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in initiatives raising awareness about peace and purpose amongst youth through various platforms.

Why choose this line? What inspired you?

My life Story. The need of a professional life mentor, inspiration, storytelling, motivation & hope. I wanted to create tangible measurable impact in people’s lives.

I was inspired by a vision and inner wisdom, I want to lead from my soul and create an aspiration for soulful leadership.

Post 14 years of a successful luxury hospitality background I have realized my purpose lies in helping people find their purpose in life.

Professionally, where do you see yourself in the next few years? What goals do you have for the venture?

We want to offer bespoke services to our clients and reach masses through events /technology & digital mediums. We are looking at an investor not only from money perspective but also from value lens. The values have to align to be successful in long term.  

What is a typical day at work like for you?

That’s an interesting question. I love Mondays, mostly because the day flies by in a flash.

On a given day, during the early hours you will find me speaking to the clients, finding out – proactively – what their priorities are for the week, meeting with the team for half an hour to communicate the clients’ needs and organizing the team schedules around the client’s priorities. 

I do this on Monday so that the rest of the week is well organized and we can effectively use our team’s time in exceeding client’s expectations and avoid Friday evening surprises. I spend rest of the day strategizing week for our core products, new clients, old clients, events in pipeline, any speaking engagements and our digital presence. 

Rest of the week goes in delivering the product(s), updating the status with the client, answering emails and calls from our global teams. My role involves extensive strategic management responsibilities and staying organized is not an option.

What would you tell our readers?

Dream Big and keep developing your skills and abilities to get to your goals. Nothing is impossible, keep walking. 

SHEROES - lives and stories of women we are and we want to be. Connecting the dots. Moving the needle. Also world's largest community of women, based out of India. Meet us at @SHEROESIndia

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