How To Make Money By Writing - All You Need To Know

Have you been told that you write so well that your writing just touches someone’s heart? Or that your articles are so core to the point that the reader learns something new every time you write? If you have received such compliments, then it is a natural thought to earn through your writing skills. 

Do you want to know how to earn money by writing stories? Or some of the easy ways to make money writing online? Before getting to these questions, here are a few thoughts for your writing mind to settle on.

Here are some points to consider to start making money by writing

Writing in itself is such a general world. Once you start writing, you can land on any topic. To ensure that the reader of your writing does not get confused, it is of utmost importance that your writing talks about one main topic. If you want to write and earn money, then deciding the area your writing will be covering is the first step. It will help you give direction to your writing.

Once you have decided what topic you want to write on, then you can move ahead to answer the following questions:

And many more.

But getting the answers to the above questions will help you get a rough idea about how and where you wish to see your writing. The answers will also work as a guide for to direct you towards the kind of writing you want to get engaged in.

Remember that in the above mentioned first point, we had a question where you had to decide about the time you can give to writing? Let us focus more on that at this point.

If you are a student, then besides your studies and other activities, you can figure out a time slot that will work for you. For a working professional, juggling the time between work and writing can require some planning. Similarly for someone who has to handle her household chores, finding out the time to sit at peace and get in the creative flow is one of the points she has to look out for. Thus, getting a hold of time to write can result in good and quality writeups.

Time slots not only make you organised but also contribute to the income your writing can generate. If you are solely dependent on writing to earn, then you might have to shift your priorities accordingly. Thus, to think about which time management skill will be beneficial to you, dealing with this point is a must. 

Once you have decided on the key factors, you can enrol yourself in writing courses. These courses play quite a role when it comes to understanding the recent developments in the area of writing. There is also a positive possibility of you getting to unlearn some of your learnings that might not be relatable in recent times.

These online courses master you to get paid to write about anything. You can also share your ideas with your fellow coursemates. Who knows while discussing, you come across any interesting idea to pour your hearts out! Have you ever experienced the feeling where you got your best writing idea while discussing things with some people? Let us know in the comments how it worked out.

Let us simplify the term ‘niche’. Your niche is the area of writing where you are good. It can be your favourite topic, industry, or a subject that you have a fair knowledge of or have a strong hold on. Getting near to your niche makes you observant and your writing comes out more structured and in a proper flow. 

So now once you have your niche understanding sorted, you can pick up and make a list of the topics which you can start writing about. The list can contain points based on your education, experience, current market trends, industry, paying ability, or simply your passion. You can settle on your writing topic by selecting from your niche list.

So we did a lot of thinking and planning and now we have decided on some of the major points. Here comes the point when you start writing. Following are some of the ways to make money from writing:

Well, these are only some of the ways you can get paid to write. Each way has its writing pattern and earning capacity. Therefore, it is for you to choose and move ahead. There is a huge ocean of writing opportunities waiting for you. Are you still waiting to dive deep into this ocean of writing?

While figuring out how you can make money from writing, the question in the matter should be how can you present your writing as a product. Every product has its customer presence, selling platforms, factors for deriving its sale price, etc. Thus, if you research any other tangible product as to what goes behind its selling strategy, then a similar way can be applied to earn through your writing as well.

For eg., gifting products are in more demand during the festive season. Can your writing earn more in such a season? Can it help the gift products to sell more? Or can you present your writings in such a way that they can be gifted? Questions like these can solve most of the random puzzles in your mind related to earning money from writing. And one can get paid to write as a beginner! 

Do you also ask yourself, “How to make money as a freelance writer?” Then, being a freelancer can serve as an opportunity to make money writing from home. Nowadays there are many opportunities where you can work as a freelancer and write in your free time. This way you can make a passive income with your writing skills. 

With the online world making its presence felt in every corner of the world, you can also make money writing online by applying for online writing jobs.

The fact is that there are endless possibilities your writing can help you fill your money banks! The journey of finding a suitable path is something that only you can start and enjoy, leading to your destination!

Hope the above pointers have helped your wandering mind to pull out structured content as to how you can begin your writing journey and earn money from it. Do you have any learning experience which you think will be a game-changing lesson for someone who is just starting to write? We amongst other readers would look forward to hearing from you in the comment section. Also, do let us know which point from the above cleared the biggest writing doubt you had which stopped you from earning money through writing.

The Glow Lovely Career Community on SHEROES offers chat consultations with career experts who support you in becoming a writing expert and earning a stable income through writing. Get on board with a career guidance expert by joining the Glow Lovely Career Community on the SHEROES App and use our expert advice to improve your writing and earning skills today!

Anuradha Sangeeta Parmar
Anuradha Parmar is a Company Secretary by profession, switching completely towards her love of writing. She is always up for music, mountains, and creativity.

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