She Broke Her Spine, But Not Her Spirit!

“I used to believe that being a woman in this fractured society, and having been brought up with a culturally twisted belief system makes it almost impossible for most of us to step up to live our dreams and leave a legacy.

Adding to that, having fractured and dislocated my spine after a tragic accident in April 2005, and my doctors saying I will never be able to walk again. Also, I only have a 50-50 chance to stay alive, my hopes and aspirations shattered and I really thought, that was the end of me.

It was one of the most difficult trials in my life whereby I could have potentially died or suffered a paralysis. My doctors even gave me a letter of permanent disability which means I will never be able to gain employability.

My heart shattered when I was told so, but held on strong knowing I have to survive because of my mother. She was my pillar of strength. For a whole year, I was managing the pain, learning how to walk again and almost a year into the accident, I decided that I had to step up.

My name is Zai Miztiq. Today, I am a 2-time Amazon Best Selling Author, an International Speaker and I run my signature ‘Sisterhood Mentorship Programme’ where I help women gain confidence and clarity to turn their dreams into reality. I want to share with you how I braved through the mental, emotional and physical pain and stepped up to embrace my God-given talents.

To begin with, I asked myself a couple of questions:

Do I want to remain a victim for life or do I want to be victorious?

What was my purpose of being and why was I given a second chance to live?

That moment was the time I was inspired to live life anew and step up to be an inspiration to the world. I was reading a lot and gained some new knowledge and insights to life. I realized that I could inspire people with my broken spine.

That was when I made an intention that one day, I will be a renowned motivational speaker inspiring the world to step up and be the strong, soulful, and successful they are meant to be.

I embraced the fact that I could not go out to work due to my physical disability. But thanks to technology and the birth of Facebook, I started my online business with a small capital and started making $3000/month working from home. The business grew from me selling items to clients to now being a supplier to clients from New Zealand, UK, and America.

With my personal savings, I decided to travel the Middle East to learn Arabic for almost 2 years. That gave me an idea to draw up a ‘Read, write speak Arabic’ programme and I was invited to teach ‘Arabic Business Conversation’ to the students at the Singapore Management University upon my return.

Then a major shift occurred in my career when I received a chat request from a stranger on Facebook. She wanted to speak to me and after our 10-minutes chat, she thanked me and said, “Zai, thank you for speaking to me. I was just thinking of committing suicide but you made me feel better.”

I was shocked, scared and anxious. I just saved a life and I knew there were many others who needed help that I have to urgently reach out to. I started thinking how I could impact more lives.

That was a turning point for me to start writing books, giving motivational talks and now coaching women & youth to gain confidence and clarity and turn their dreams into reality.

In every obstacle there is an opportunity and that I can help people turn their misery into motivation and take massive actions to live a purposeful life. I have learned that I can turn my pain into power and so can you.

Much Love and Be Blessed, Zai Miztiq (

Zai Miztiq is an international speaker, celebrity author, and traveling trainer. After a painful recovery from a major road accident which almost rendered her paralyzed, Zai’s determination for a comeback redefined her life’s mission and that became a driving force for her to positively impact the lives of others. She launched her first book ‘Turn Your Passion to Profits’ after a sold-out trial print. She recently launched her second book, ‘5 Things I Love About Being A Woman’ which became an Amazon International Best Seller in 14 categories in Australia, US & UK. In her free time, she enjoys archery, diving, and Arabic calligraphy. A former runway model, she was crowned as Runner Up for 2002 Miss India Singapore.


Lola Jutta
An unapologetic writer, budding travel enthusiast and a default optimist! Life is what you make out of it.

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