Kill The Sloth In PMS And Workout To Enhance Fitness


How do you prep for your big day? FYI when I say big day, I mean the “bloody days” (psst--when you’re on your periods). Workouts are a great way of relieving stress. And, from my personal experience I can say this with confidence.

I have been regular with my workout routines for the past 10 years. Not a gym junkie though, my workouts mostly comprise yoga asanas. But, they have been beneficial for me. Especially during ‘woh paanch din,’ it has not been an impeding factor in my day-to-day routine. 

We have been fed since our childhood to take it easy when the uterus throws a big fit. No you won’t find any period jokes here, PERIOD! But working out during PMS is beneficial. Contrary to the popular belief, the body is more receptive to muscle recovery. During various stages, our body produces different sorts of hormones. Make these hormones your allies in achieving enhanced fitness. 

I am pleasantly surprised and would want you to try out these workout patterns during different stages of menstrual cycle. You know the notorious mood swings us women are blamed for:-



Ladies let’s pull up our socks and show the uterus who’s the boss!    

Lola Jutta
An unapologetic writer, budding travel enthusiast and a default optimist! Life is what you make out of it.

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