What Can Kids Teach Us about Living in the moment

​As adults, complacent with our busy lives, we often forget the child within us... I don't remember when I last touched those wax crayons which once adorned the walls of our house in all funny scribbles and crazy figures... I forgot how to make a paper boat, write in neat cursive writing, write numbers exactly within the squares of a checked notebook for number work... All these things seem to be very immature to us...

Today I saw my daughter playing with sheets of newspaper. I left all my work behind and saw how she was lost in her world, so busy tearing the sheet into strips of all sizes. My living space was littered with paper, but at the same time, I wanted my baby to enjoy her playtime, suddenly she stopped tearing the newspaper. She carefully observed a picture of a baby in the newspaper ad and cried "baby". As a mother, I was proud that my one-year-old one was able to identify the picture, but at the same time, I just imagined myself what I would have done if I was busy and did not have time to see her play. I would have snatched the paper from her and would have not allowed her to mess the house and depriving her of all her fun and actually obstructing her from "doing her job".

We adults more often work as programmed robots. Our world means finishing our chores for the day and get back to sleep. Sometimes, we have to understand that a child grows only by not obeying you. So at times stop being an adult and bring out the kid in you. So what I did finally, is I gave her more sheets of paper for her to tear and enjoyed every smile and action of hers. Phew !! I am actually tired of picking a huge pile of crumpled papers. But my daughter was able to identify four pictures-baby, apple, teddy and dog. So I am off now to buy her first picture book Be a kid and act crazy at times.

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Priya Suresh
I'm a mother from Bengaluru.

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