Growing up in India, I never imagined I’ll Lead Pepsico One Day - Indra Nooyi

When women are empowered in the design and innovation process, the likelihood of success in the marketplace improves by 144%

- Indra Nooyi

Yesterday, Pepsico, in an official Press Release reported that the company’s Board of Directors have collectively elected Ramon Laguarta (current President - Pepsico) to succeed the current CEO of the company - Indra Nooyi.

Officially she would step down on 3rd October (24 years after being in Pepsico), however, she would remain its Chairman until early 2019.

Here’s her first Tweet about Pepsico and Team -

Her Tweet read -

“I’m incredibly proud of all we've done over the past 12 years to advance the interests of our stakeholders in the communities we serve.  What I admire about our global team is an incredible drive to compete – to be the best, to remain the best.”

Here’s what she Tweeted about Ramon Laguarta -

Her Tweet read -

“Ramon Laguarta is exactly the right person to help build on @PepsiCo's strong position and success. He has been a critical partner and friend and I am positive that he will take PepsiCo to new and greater heights in the years to come.”

Here’s what she tweeted about her Experience at Pepsico -

Her Tweet read -

“Growing up in India, I never imagined I’d have the opportunity to lead an extraordinary company like @PepsiCo. Leading this company has been the honor of my lifetime. We’ve made more meaningful impact in people’s lives than I ever dreamed possible.”

Here’s her tweet about how she felt on this occasion -

Her Tweet read -

“Today is a day of mixed emotions for me. @PepsiCo has been my life for 24 years & part of my heart will always remain here. I'm proud of what we've done & excited for the future. I believe PepsiCo’s best days are yet to come. ”

Early Life and Career before Pepsico

She was born in a middle-class conservative family in (Madras) Chennai, but she refused to give importance to the conservative norms of the society.

Her Father and Grandfather totally supported her in breaking those Stereotypical norms.

Talking about Conservatism she once mentioned an incident of her school life during an Interview, When her sister got admission in a college in another town and she wanted to go and study there. But she was stopped by her mother saying - ”She can go out of town once she gets married”. To which her sister questioned her mother, and in reply, her mother said - “If she would go against her will, then she would fast until she would die”.

Hearing this, her Father and Grandfather being sarcastic and supporting her sister said - “Let her die, I’ll take care of you all”. They also paid her fees to ensure she goes to study where she herself wanted.

Talking about her career, she did an MBA from IIM Calcutta in 1976 and later did another Masters in Public and Private Management from Yale School of Management in 1978.

Before Pepsico she worked at Mettur Beardsell, Johnson & Johnson, The Boston Consulting Group, Motorola and Asea Brown Boveri, in positions ranging from - Product Manager, International Corporate Strategist to Vice President & Director (always in the field of Strategy & Planning).

Indra Nooyi's Period at Pepsico

She joined Pepsico in 1994 as Senior Vice President (Strategic Planning), later becoming President & CFO in 2001 and finally becoming CEO and Chairman of Pepsico in 2006.

Her Achievements as CEO of Pepsico -

Some Motivational Quotes by Indra Nooyi (Inspiring Future SHEROES) -

1) I asked my parents for permission to study in America and they were so sure that I wouldn't get in and get a scholarship that they encouraged me to try. So I applied to Yale and got an excellent scholarship.

2) Bring together what is good for business with what is good for the world.

3) Remain a lifelong student. Don't lose that curiosity.

4) Leadership is hard to define and good leadership even harder. But if you can get people to follow you to the ends of the earth, you are a great leader.

5) Whatever you do, throw yourself into it. Throw your head, heart, and hands into it.

What we could learn about Work-Life Balance from Indra Nooyi

Here is what she said in an Interview at CNBC Prime about her daily life.

Her work ethics come from her Parents and Grandparents, and that is - “If you promise to do something, do it perfectly or don’t do it at all”

A day in the life of Indra Nooyi

  1. She wakes up around 4-4:30 am (Ideally the time when most successful leaders do wake up)

  2. Post that she Loves to read the newspaper, check her emails and documents for the day.

  3. She arrives at her office around 7:30-7:45 am

  4. After Office, she is back at home by 6:30 pm

  5. She Prefers to have dinner with family whoever’s at home, have some family time, watch some tv shows and get to bed around midnight.

Her Interview at CNBC Prime

Quote by Indra Nooyi about Work-Life Balance -  

In the end, no matter how much money you make and how much success you create, what you are left with is a family, friends, and faith.

Dhara Joshi

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