How To Increase Breast Milk in 25 Best Ways

Motherhood is truly a blessing, but it comes with its own set of challenges and concern.

New mothers are often concerned if they are feeding their baby to his/her satisfaction or not. In the back of their minds, they are often confused if her baby is feeding enough.

One of the most important issues which new mother face is judging breast milk production and doing an evaluation.

It is important for a mother to know, how much breast-milk she is producing because if she is producing enough breast-milk in the first place and her breast milk supply is good, the baby will feed enough to be happy and satisfied.

If you're one of those struggling mothers who want to improve your breast milk production, then don't worry; you aren't alone.

Queries about breast milk production

Before dealing with the main issue, it's important to address some questions first.

Q1. What are the signs that my baby is getting enough breastmilk?

Notice these signs.

If your baby is getting enough breastmilk he/she will:

Q2. Despite breastfeeding, why is my baby losing weight?

Its normal for babies to lose about 10% of their birth weight in the initial 2-3 days after their birth. However, only 5-10% of weight loss is normal and it shouldn't exceed more than the 10% mark.

Don't be discouraged, keep on breastfeeding and by the time your baby gets 5 to 7 days old he will begin to show improvement in weight gain. By the time your baby turns 14-15 days old he should weight close or more to his birth weight.

Q3. How often should I feed my baby?

How to increase breast milk?

Your health, lifestyle, and food preferences have a lot to do with how much milk you produce. In order to increase your breast milk supply and improve lactation, here is what you should do -

12 best foods to increase breast milk:

#1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is an iron-rich food which can help lactating mothers increase their breast milk.

It's not only easy to make but it's healthy and tasty to eat as well. Oatmeal can improve your digestion as well. Having an iron-rich diet after delivery can improve the red cell count in blood, which in turn can help fight off postpartum anemia and improve lactation.

#2. Fennel and Fenugreek seeds

Fennel and Fenugreek act as magical herbs when it comes to increasing breast milk production. Incorporating these herbs in your daily diet can help to boost your low breast milk supply quickly. Cook your food with them or use them as a seasoning in my your meals.

#3. Garlic

Garlic can do wonders for lactating mothers. Garlic contains chemical compounds which can help increase breast milk and improve lactation. Add some crushed or chopped garlic to your food and soups or stir fry some garlic in clarified butter to have it  with rice.

#4. Carrots

Carrots are beautiful looking and fun to eat. They are crunchy, tasty and loaded with vitamin A which is very important for a nursing mother. Have chopped carrots in your breakfast or stir fry them with other vegetables. You can also drink carrot juice or have pureed carrot.

#5. Asparagus

Asparagus has a high fibre content. It also contains essential Vitamins like Vitamin A and K which are important for nursing mothers. Boiling milk with asparagus and consuming this preparation at alternative days can improve lactation.

#6. Basil leaves

Along with improving breast milk production, Basil leaves are also good for boosting the immunity of nursing mothers. Infusing basil leaves in tea or adding them in food can help increase breast milk in lactating mothers.

#7. Bottle gourd

Bottle gourd will not only keep you hydrated and improve your digestion but it will also improve lactation. Consuming it regularly in the form of juice , pudding or puree can help increase breast milk production.

#8. Almonds

Almonds are rich in Omega-3 and Vitamin E, both of which are absolutely essential for a nursing and lactating mother. Having crushed almonds boiled in milk can improve lactation. Almonds can also be eaten toasted or raw as a snack and can be added to the oatmeal as well.

#9. Water

Yes, you can't really call water a food but it's one of the most important things that can help improve lactation. A lactating mother should be hydrated so that she can nurse her baby properly. Staying properly hydrated can increase breast milk supply drastically. It prevents dehydration in the nursing mother as well. At Least 8-12 glasses of water are recommended daily for a lactating mother. Make sure that you have a glass of water before you begin to breastfeed your baby.

#10. Cow milk

Cow milk is rich and fats and calcium. It can improve lactation and give promising results in a matter or days. Your child will also develop a resistance to cow milk allergy. Drink 1 to 2 glasses of cow milk everyday to see results.

#11. Salmon

Who doesn't love steamed, boiled or grilled salmon ? Salmon is rich in essential fatty acids, Omega-3 and many important minerals which can improve lactation.

#12. Chickpea

Chickpea is loaded with protein,c calcium, vitamin B and fibre, all of which can bring a lot of improvement in increasing breast milk and improving lactation. Having chickpeas soaked overnight as a snack and adding them in stir fried vegetables can be beneficial for lactating mothers. Consuming boiled or mashed chickpeas seasoned with lemon and herbs of your choice can also help in increasing breast milk.

12 Tips to increase breast milk supply

  1. Nurse frequently, the more you feed the better your supply becomes.
  2. Check if your baby has latched properly. Aim for proper latching to improve lactation.
  3. Stay relaxed and calm.
  4. Have more skin to skin contact with your baby
  5. Massage your breasts lightly before and after feeding.
  6. Express milk after breastfeeding if your baby hasn't emptied your breasts. This will keep your supply smooth.
  7. Switch breasts and make sure your baby drinks from both of your breasts.
  8. Stay away from alcohol.
  9. Stay away from caffeine and nicotine.
  10. Check all your medications and ensure that they are approved by you doctor.
  11. Don't take hormonal medications and contraceptive pills without your doctor's permission and prescription.
  12. Don't skip meals, stay hydrated and eat right.

Supplements to Increase Breast-Milk

There are many herbal and synthetic supplements available which are said to bring an improvement in breast milk production, however, they should only be taken after consulting your doctor.

Even though herbal products are considered safe to use since they are made with natural ingredients, but consult your doctor beforehand about them to avoid any risks.

It is highly recommended that you consult your doctor and take his/her opinion before starting any supplementation while you are breastfeeding your baby.

Seek help from a professional

If you are struggling with issues related to breastfeeding then meet your Pediatrician or lactational consultant right away.

It would be one of the best decisions that you’ll make because doctors will identify and understand the underlying problems that you are facing and help you overcome them as soon as possible, so that you have no problem nursing.

Be open to your doctor regarding the problems which you are facing while lactating and nursing your baby. Your doctor will assist you with all your issues related to breastfeeding.


You can join Sheroes Parenting Community to discuss your problem with other members who have faced similar situations while lactating.


Many nursing mothers with low breast milk supply have shown improvement over the course of time by following simple natural remedies and improving their lifestyle and diet.

If you are facing much more complicated issues related to breastfeeding, seek help from your doctors right away.

Don't lose hope and keep trying because consistency is the key.

Emi Hyder

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