I Will Serve Working People: Theresa May, Is Britain’s New PM

“I’m Theresa May, and I think I’m the best person to be Prime Minister,” her pitch was indeed simple. And, Britain’s  59-year-old PM has her task cut out for her.

I will serve working people  said  Theresa May who also says she will prioritise, "not the mighty nor the wealthy nor the privileged" but working people and will do everything she can to help people to get on in life.

A woman will lead Britain's EU exit, AKA Brexit, and comparisons to Margaret Thatcher, have already begun. No surprise really. When David Cameron announced his own exit in tune with Brexit, he was sure sure no one was going to ask him to stay on, think, reconsider.

However, even he will agree that it will take a woman leader to chart the route map to lead the country to a stable economic future outside of the European Union.

On Wednesday, July 13 2016, Britain’s Conservative party got their new boss from the two top women contenders to the post. Theresa May, erstwhile home affairs secretary, has  been appointed the next British Prime Minister by Queen Elizabeth II.

The second woman to hold the post in Britain, May has a rather large shadow looming over her; that of the former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. The discourse worldwide will soon be a comparative one between Thatcher and May. The Thatchers had left 10 Downing Street, in 1990. It is now 2016, but better late than never, right?

Now, three of the world’s’ leading nations may have women heads of State by January 2017, as  reported by Washington Post

That is, if America finally gets Hillary Clinton its first woman president. Of course the most politically powerful and influential woman in Europe today, is German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the first woman in that office.

Of course the rest of the world has had women leading nations for decades. India, Bangladesh, Philippines, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Jamaica and a few others have all had women Presidents and Prime Ministers, both elected and nominated, some carrying on family legacies.

France, Britain's neighbour across the channel, will also have presidential elections in 2017. According to newsreports, Marine Le Pen is a top contender for the post.  But then ‘Brexit’ would probably have re-drawn European Union’s political map.

May, it is reported, had quently campaigned to remain in the EU, but she is known  for her ‘Euroskeptic’ views. “Brexit means Brexit,” Theresa May had said when she began her PM campaign a few weeks ago.

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Karuna John
Woman. Pan Indian. Alive. Aware. Arisen. Learns one new thing every day. Fixes bigots. Journalist. Word Curator. Storyteller. http://www.sheroes.in

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