I Clubbed My Passion For Travelling With A Business

Since childhood, I have always been intrigued by the things happening around me and have been a curious one. I’ve tried to maintain that persona and adapt it to my life which has shaped and fuelled my spirit to be an entrepreneur. I believe in two things, dedication and patience. If you work hard enough, you can turn the odds in your favour.

Graduating from Davar’s, Mumbai I hold a degree in Sales and Marketing. With more than 18 years of industry experience, I always look forward to making every client experience innovative and wonderful by tailoring their every little detail with immense care. I can say that it has moulded my ambitions as I’m constantly trying to adapt and bestow my clients with an unforgettable experience which they shall always cherish. My ambitions are framed around providing my clients with their heart’s desires.

I still ardently consider what Colin Powell once said – A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.

My Entrepreneurial Dream

Travel has always been my calling, although my entrepreneurial venture started out quite amateurishly, to be honest. But after a point, I realized I wanted to do bigger things as I had colossal dreams to fulfil for myself. With dedication and passion in my heart, we started out in the early years of 2000, worked towards setting up an establishment and envisioning a brighter future. The next couple of years were the initial years where we experienced slender growth because we were still understanding the industry prospects, synchronizing the team ideology and diligence with our business vision and mission.

Once we had our initial hurdles crossed, we tasted luscious success and experienced steady growth. My family has always been supportive and encouraging of me, with their help and invocation, I have been able to achieve success. They have been my backbone throughout my journey, helping me cross all my hurdles.

The travel and tours industry, when we started out, was quite distorted. There were small pockets in lanes where travel agents used to help travellers to book tickets for the commute. So tackling these small-time bookies and attracting clients towards a more organised and constructed company, was a bit of a challenge. But the challenge was easy to overcome as families and corporate vacations could be made more comfortable and hassle-free by our organisation. Slowly and steadily we started to gather a good client base.

Future Plans

My plan is to make Frontier Holidays a 500 Crore company. Any company’s success depends on its employees and clients and we are in the process of building such a robust organisation by engaging more and more people, and by giving a beautiful travel experience to them. As I grow, I want to get involved in CSR activities and give back to the society more.

Being an entrepreneur is a constant learning process, I have tried to improve myself to better understand the changes and challenges of the industry.

And I have taught myself how to juggle multiple projects simultaneously. I dedicate myself to my projects and have an independent working style. Although I greatly value the inputs made by my team and consult them regularly, I have always been spontaneous and deep-seated in my working style.

Chase Your Dreams!

Women have always been hard working be it at home or at work. Finding your calling, I understand cannot be easy for everyone. To find the passion that excites you and motivates you to do something better is a complicated thing. I would like to quote Diane Mariechild here,

A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.

Women have the power to enforce chance and nurture change. But the struggle is a necessary part of the growth to look into yourself and to consequently realise your calling, is a beautiful feeling. Realisation is not all, but determination is important to not lose focus on what’s really important and instal all your faith and hard work toward your goal and achieving your dreams. If you are yet to find your calling, my advice would be to be patient, patience is the key. Not just for women but for every individual.


This entrepreneurial story is of Bharathi Shetty, Managing Director and CEO of Frontier Holidays. She has been one of the travel industry leaders, with extensive industry knowledge and expertise in local, regional, national and global travel management.


Lola Jutta
An unapologetic writer, budding travel enthusiast and a default optimist! Life is what you make out of it.

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