How To Get Funding For My Startup? Part 1

To make money, you need money!

When individuals approach SHEROES with a bright idea to start their venture and have a lot of queries on how to approach Venture Capitalists or VCs for startup funding, we thought of helping our community grow by taking the experts’ help!

So, is there a sure shot formula to sell your idea and get startup funding or is it just a matter of luck? We spoke to a couple of founders and also explored the legal side of funding. Here is what they have to say –

Is it the idea that gets the money or the team?

Priyanka Desai, the Founder of iScribblers - a firm which is saving the world from terrible content-says, “While an idea is vital in attracting an investor, it’s the execution that’s important. Most businesses fail due to the inability of execution, the responsibility of executing the idea lies on the team, making them the most important part of the equation.” Google's execution team helped them become the foremost search engine.

iScribblers is a self-funded company. We’re bootstrapped. It took us time to understand the market and set our pricing for different clients. In that time, we operated out of IIM-Ahmedabad’s best incubator, solely by jugaad.

Dos and Don’ts of a perfect Plan-B?

Sunil Gupta, the Founder of Tragly-software platform for travel and tourism industry- which is also his second startup, lists out these pointers–

What do VCs look for?

Is there a checklist that needs to be checked before you approach a VC? Or with every individual, there is a fresh test to be passed? Priyanka mentions that most of the VC’s usually look for the team and an impressive idea that could sustain in the market.

She further explains what VCs look for -

VCs usually love e-com these days. How can other domains, not favored by VCs, get funded by them?

The market is flooded with startups, specifically e-com, and the question is whether other domains are getting their due. Is it hard to get startup funding for a not-so-glamorous sector? Desai, somehow does not agree with this, “A large enough market, either a product or an MVP (Minimum Viable Product), customers, revenues or revenue models and the scalability plan draw a VC’s attention. Most VCs are drawing their attention to domains other than e-commerce due to its saturation.”   

Do references boost your pitch?

Sunil says, "References should be treated just as a ‘gate pass’ to enter the show with a promise that they would listen. Then, the show is yours. It depends on you.” He shares an interesting story that happened during his funding process. A meeting that was scheduled at the office venue, was later changed to Café Coffee Day.

After the meeting and discussions, Sunil realized that he didn’t have enough money on him to pay the bill! He apologized to which the venture capitalist responded, “Yaar, to tum paise lekar hi chodoge!” [You won’t leave me without taking the money!] and they both had a hearty laugh.

This is a two part article series written by Samiksha Seth, for all those entrepreneurs who want to figure out about venture capital. Stay tuned for more details!

About the author: Samiksha Seth is a tech enthusiast with over twelve years of industry experience delivering IT solutions in BFSI, Evolving technologies and e-commerce domain. A day dreamer by choice, an avid blogger, Reiki practitioner, and a firm believer of "Keep Faith.  She loves exploring and crafting her experiences into words. She calls herself a proud #motherworking and NOT #workingmother. You can reach her on Twitter@FinWTech or Linkedin []

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