Yoga At Home: 6 Expert Tips To Start Now

Is it possible to start doing yoga at home without any trainer?

The answer is yes unless you are doing complex asanas.

Here is how and why. Keep reading!!!

The traditional way of doing yoga might not interest the mood and time of today’s young executive, despite acknowledging the fact that yogic practices not only help in staying fit physically but bring an internal well-being too. 

Over the years, many researchers have proven the therapeutic benefits of yoga; just that the people need to realise the importance of adopting these practices as a way of life.

More or less, today’s young executives have similar pain areas and lifestyle diseases--including sprain in neck, wrists, shoulders, back, eyes, flu, bad posture headache, blood pressure and acidity.

These issues start small, but are triggers for major ailments. Rolling down a mat for 60-90 minutes every day can be challenging, but as they say, where there is a will, there is a way. The practices underscored below can be initiated in a group, sitting on the desk, in the park, at home in morning or even a conference room for anywhere between five and 20 minutes.

Now learn how to do yoga in a busy work schedule.

#1. Strech Your Head And Ears

Steps to perform this yoga at home

  1. Make a cup of your palms, and gently place one palm on the forehead and the other just below the crown of the head. 
  2. Close your eyes and gently tap with the two together.
  3. Pressure should be exerted as per individual comfort.
  4. Repeat 70-100 strokes.
  5. Release and pause for few seconds.
  6. Now, place the cup of palms on both ears and repeat the tapping for 70-100 strokes.
  7. Release and pause for five strokes of abdominal breathing.

Precautions you must follow if you don't have any instructor at home

Anyone and everyone can do this exercise. However, people with ear infections should avoid the ear-tapping. Throughout the activity, the body has to be aligned with a straight spine.

#2. Yoga at Home to Relax Your Eyes

One of the most common pain areas, and most ignored areas that go through so much of radiation, strain and over-exposure.

Steps for this yoga at home

  1. A simple exercise to recharge and relax the eyes is to place two fingers on the eyes and one finger below the eyes, and gently rub the eyes continuously from inwards to outwards.
  2. Continue this activity for 75-100 strokes. Release and relax.

Precautions you must follow if you don't have any instructor at home

Anyone and everyone can do this exercise. However, people with eye infections should avoid this activity. Throughout the activity, the body has to be aligned with a straight spine.

Also read: Benefits of doing yoga in morning.

#3. Yoga at Home to Shrug a Shoulder

Steps for this yoga to do at home

  1. Tense up the shoulders and arms with inhalation. 
  2. Pause for few seconds and relax with exhalation.
  3. Repeat this process for 5-6 times.

Another exercise for shoulders is shrugging them with synchronized abdominal breathing.

  1. Place the arms close to the sides of the body.
  2. With a slightly forced inhalation through the abdomen, shrug shoulders towards the ears and gently jerk them down with slightly forced exhale through the abdomen.
  3. Repeat this activity for 15-20 times. Release and relax.  

This exercise will ensure smooth movement of the shoulder joints. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, stress or diabetes, after a certain age, people are prone to frozen shoulders. This exercise has both preventive and curative properties against frozen shoulder.

Precautions you must follow if you don't have any instructor at home

Anyone and everyone can do this exercise. Throughout the activity, the body has to be aligned with a straight spine.

#4. Rotate Your Wrists

Steps for doing this yoga at home

  1. Bring your arms in the front parallel to the floor, or keep them by the body side.
  2. Make a fist and do circular rotations.
  3. Rotate 6-8 times on the right side and repeat from the left side.
  4. Open your wrists and stretch your hands wide, with good distance between your fingers.
  5. Now, move your fingers up and down for 10-12 times. Release and relax.

Precautions you must follow if you don't have any instructor at home

Anyone and everyone can do these exercise. Throughout the activity, the body has to be aligned with a straight spine.

#5. Yoga at Home for Neck Rolls

Neck pain is a very common complaint. Because of stress, bad posture, soft beds, or too many pillows, the muscles around the neck and shoulder go into a spasm.

Yoga gives a lot of importance to neck exercises, because all major nerves and the spinal cord pass through the neck and control the whole body.

Major blood vessels pass through the neck and supply blood to the brain, the most important organ of the body.  Thus, the neck is like a bridge between the brain and the body. Do not over do this yoga if you do not have a trainer with you as this yoga is simple and so can be dangerous if overdone.

Steps to perform this yoga at home

  1. Move the neck first towards your right and then left, and maintain a pleasurable stretch for a few seconds. Use your palm on the opposite cheek to stretch the neck beyond the shoulder.
  2. Next, move your neck from left to right shoulder looking downwards. Repeat for 3-4 times and then look upwards in the sky and repeat for 3-4 times. You will be making semi-circles in the air with coordinated slow eye movement.
  3. Lastly, the neck is rotated in a full circle, first from the left and then from the right. Repeat this for 2 times with either eyes open or closed depending upon individual's comfort.

Precautions you must follow if you don't have any instructor at home

Anyone and Everyone can do these exercise. Throughout the activity, the body has to be aligned with a straight spine. People suffering from cervical spondylitis should not move their chin downwards. Instead, they should move it up and then return to normal position.

#6. Leg Raises & Feet Flex yoga

Steps to perform this yoga at home

  1. Sitting L-shaped on the chair, place your feet on the floor.
  2. Gently lift your legs from the floor and raise them to a 45 degree angle.
  3. Slowly, bring them down.
  4. Keep your back firmly placed against the chair.
  5. Repeat this movement for 6-8 times and relax.
  6. Next, raise the right leg to a 45 degree angle and stretch your feet outwards with inhalation, pause for a few seconds. and flex inwards with exhalation.
  7. Repeat for 6-8 times.
  8. If your group is comfortable, then repeat this activity standing, while maintaining body balance on one leg.

Precautions you must follow if you don't have any instructor at home

Anyone and everyone can do this activity. Throughout the activity, the body has to be aligned with a straight spine. 

Religiously follow this complete session of yoga and make your life healthier and better. Let me know how you do yoga at your home.

Varuna Khullar
A dreamer, learner, life-enthusiast and a believer in self. What began as an escapade from a stressed nine-to-five corporate life, eventually became a prime interest and then, an inspiration and finally, a passion in Varuna’s life. After spending a decade in the corporate jungles of India & the Middle East, Varuna is now conducting Holistic Wellness Programs for Corporates and Schools in India as Yoga with V ( She is a certified Hatha Yoga Teacher and a Laughter Yoga Trainer and has a Masters in Marketing.

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