Maximise Your Earning Potential: Learn How to Become a Successful Storyteller

Remember listening to stories from our grandmothers in our childhood? Somehow, the end message used to be similar; the victory of good over evil. But how we connected with the characters made us sleep better and faster. Hence proved that storytelling is a powerful tool that has been used for centuries to entertain, inform, and connect with audiences. 

In today's world, storytelling is a part of many professions, like marketing, advertising, and public relations. If you have grown up listening, building and telling stories all the time, then storytelling might be a professional option. You can also learn how to become a professional storyteller and earn money from your skills. This article will provide an overview of the steps required to become a professional storyteller and some storytelling techniques to boost your career.

Step 1: Find Your Niche

Finding your niche is crucial for becoming a professional storyteller. This means identifying the type of storytelling you excel at and enjoy the most. When it comes to finding your niche, it's important to be honest with yourself about your strengths and interests. If you love working with children,  you can become a professional children's storyteller. Similarly, corporate storytelling may be a good fit if you have a background in business.

You can also select an area which you do not have a knowledgeable grip on but you would like to learn and research more about that particular field. This way, you will get an opportunity to learn about a new field as well as get a chance to explore a different field.

Once you have identified your niche, you can focus on building your storytelling method and expertise to position yourself as an expert in that field.

Step 2: Develop Your Storytelling Skills

The first step to becoming a professional storyteller is to develop your skills. You can start to build them by reading books, attending workshops, and practising your storytelling skills. 

Reading books on storytelling will help you understand the different elements of storytelling and how to use them effectively. Many classic books on the subject are worth reading, such as " Anthology of New Writing by Shireen Quadri" by Shireen Quadri, "Life Ceremony" by Sayaka Murata and "The Sea Cloak" by Nayrouz Qarmout.

Attending storytelling workshops and online courses can allow you to learn from experienced storytellers and get feedback on your own storytelling abilities. These classes can also provide you with a community of like-minded individuals who can offer support and inspiration.

Practising your storytelling skills is essential. One important skill to focus on  is developing your unique style and voice as a storyteller. Some ways you can practise is by:

    - Try telling friends and family stories or joining a local storytelling group. Telling stories to a live audience will help you gain confidence and get some live feedback. 

   - Another way to practise by recording yourself is by recording your story and listening to the recording to identify areas for improvement.

Step 3: Build Your Portfolio

Once you have mastered the art of storytelling, it is important to build a portfolio that showcases your work. Your portfolio can include your recordings of stories, writing down your stories, or creating visual representations of your stories. 

Initially, you can start making buckets of your stories and categorising them into different sections according to their content. For example, if you want to focus on corporate storytelling, your portfolio can have samples of stories of businesses and organisations. If you want to focus on professional children's storytelling, your portfolio should include examples of stories you've told for children.

A portfolio will give you something tangible to show to potential clients or employers. It can also serve as a reminder of your progress and achievements. When creating your portfolio, keep in mind that the quality of your work is more important than quantity. Include only your best stories, and make sure that the portfolio is well-organised and easy to navigate.

Step 4: Network and Market Yourself

They say, “Your network is your net worth.” Networking is an integral part of any career, and storytelling is no exception. Your networking skills will ensure your stories reach more audiences. 

You can market yourself by attending storytelling events, joining storytelling groups, and building a strong online presence. In addition, you can attend networking events and participate in storytelling competitions to get your name out there. This will allow you to meet other storytellers and learn about work opportunities. Participating in storytelling competitions can also help you to gain visibility and recognition in the various storytelling communities you may never have heard of.

A website and active social media accounts are other mediums to showcase your work and connect with potential clients. Your website should include information about your services, a portfolio of your work, and contact information. Social media accounts can be used to promote your business, share your stories and connect with potential clients. You can also improve your social media marketing skills and be your own social media manager!

Step 5: Get Paid

Once you have found your niche, developed your skills, built your portfolio, and networked and marketed your storytelling abilities, the next step is to start getting paid for your talent. When it comes to getting paid for your storytelling, there are many different options.  Let us explore some of them.

One option is to find freelance work as a storyteller. You can offer your services to small businesses, organisations, and event planners and book gigs as a performer. Your work may involve telling stories at events, working with businesses to develop storytelling campaigns, or offering private storytelling sessions. And as you gain more experience and a reputation, you can start charging higher rates for your services.

Another option is to start your own storytelling business. This can involve conducting storytelling workshops, creating and selling storytelling products, or offering coaching and consulting services. 

Meanwhile, keep looking for a full-time job in a related field, such as marketing, advertising, or public relations, which offers you financial security. And we hope you never stop exploring!

Becoming a professional storyteller takes time and effort, but with dedication and hard work, your passion for storytelling can turn into a career option. Remember, as you gain more experience, do not be afraid to be creative and take risks. Experiment with different formats and styles of storytelling to find what works best for you and your audience. 

And most importantly, always keep learning and growing as a storyteller. Continuously seek feedback, read books, and attend workshops and classes to keep your storytelling skills sharp. With the right mindset, skills, and opportunities, your professional storyteller career is ready to reach heights! Did this article make a story in your mind about becoming a professional storyteller? Let us know in the comments. 

The Glow Lovely Career Community on SHEROES offers chat consultations with career experts who help you decide based on current professional trends.  Get on board with a career guidance expert by joining the Glow And Lovely Career Community on the SHEROES App, and use our expert advice to improve your storytelling skills today!

Anuradha Sangeeta Parmar
Anuradha Parmar is a Company Secretary by profession, switching completely towards her love of writing. She is always up for music, mountains, and creativity.

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