How To Check Pregnancy At Home Without Kit: 11 Reliable Methods

Amongst the few things which absolutely necessitate privacy for a woman, I suppose, a pregnancy test is right up there at No 1.

Married or otherwise, women do find pregnancy tests at home more suitable as compared to visiting a doctor or taking the test at a clinic.


Obviously curiosity. Who won’t be!

Since ancient times, when the pregnancy test strips and kits didn’t exist, and a blood test wasn’t an option, women have been doing pregnancy tests at home.

Here are some quick and foolproof ways to test pregnancy at home naturally:

1. Homemade pregnancy test with shampoo

You can easily conduct a pregnancy test at home with shampoo. The procedure to conduct this test is extremely simple and effective.


Test Procedure:

Test results:

2. Homemade pregnancy test with sugar

Sugar, a common ingredient found in every kitchen cabinet, can be used to test pregnancy at home. Taking a pregnancy test using sugar is rather easy to conduct and interpret.


Test Procedure:

Test results:

If you are wondering how accurate is the sugar pregnancy test, then you should know that conducting this test at early stage will always get Negative results.

3. Homemade pregnancy test with salt

You can also perform a pregnancy test with salt at your home. The salt pregnancy test is often considered as one of the most reliable pregnancy tests. The procedure of the test is quite simple.


Test Procedure (How does the salt pregnancy test work?)

Test results:

4. Homemade pregnancy test with baking soda

Baking soda can help you clear any doubts regarding pregnancy. The procedure for conducting a pregnancy test using baking soda at home is extremely simple.


Test Procedure:

Test results:

5. Homemade pregnancy test with toothpaste

Didn’t see this one coming, did you? The toothpaste based pregnancy test is an effective and reliable alternative.


Test Procedure (How do you do the toothpaste pregnancy test?)

Test results:

6. Homemade pregnancy test with bleach

Bleach is a strong oxidizing agent that is used for washing clothes, removing stains and several other daily tasks. This oxidizing agent can also be used for conducting a pregnancy test at home.


Test Procedure:

If you are thinking -” Does the Bleaching Powder pregnancy test work”, believe me, it does.

Test results:

Recommended Reading: 'Common pregnancy myths busted' by Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar.

7. Soap Pregnancy Test

The bathing soap you use on a daily basis can easily be used to check pregnancy at home.


Test Procedure:

Test results:

Recommended Reading: Know how you can also get Pregnant on your Periods!

8. Wheat and Barley Pregnancy Test

You’d be surprised to know that, that this is an ancient test readily followed by the Egyptians and has proven highly accurate even in modern times.

This test can be performed at home as wheat and barley seeds are readily available in any general store.


Test Procedure:

Test results:

Note: For more accurate results, perform this test after 2-3 days of missed periods.

9. Tuna Juice and Vinegar

Using tuna juice and vinegar is perhaps one of the easiest ways to confirm pregnancy at home. You can also opt for canned tuna juice to conduct this test.


Test Procedure:

Test results:

10. Pine-Sol Pregnancy Test

Just like Bleaching Powder, pine-sol is another cleaning agent that can be used to test pregnancy at home.


Test Procedure:

Test results:

11. Tylenol and Peroxide Pregnancy Test

The Tylenol tablets and peroxide solution which are commonly found in your medicine box can be used for your home-based pregnancy test.


Test Procedure:

Test results:

Note: For best results, use white Tylenol pills for the test. Using red Tylenol pills will turn the urine solution brown. 

Are Homemade Pregnancy tests accurate and reliable?

Pregnancy tests at home are not only safe, quick and affordable but they are also easily accessible as the items are within reach. At the first occurrence of possible symptoms like a delayed menstrual cycle, fatigue or mood swings, open your kitchen and bathroom cabinets and pull out the listed ingredients to confirm your pregnancy in a reliable and discreet way.

If you are not sure about your symptoms, refer this article about 'Early Pregnancy Symptoms Before Missed Period' written by Dr. Michelle Frank.

All the home pregnancy tests prescribed here are found to be highly effective and the results of these tests are easy to interpret. However, these tests only indicate a possible pregnancy but they don't confirm it as accurately as a pregnancy test kit does. Using a pregnancy test kit is a much more reliable option as they confirm pregnancy. Along with using a pregnancy test kit, it is also recommended that you should consult a doctor or visit a Gynaecologist and get an examination done to confirm your pregnancy on medical grounds.

If the results are positive, and you are pregnant, then I would recommend you to read this post about the best exercise during pregnancy.

Conceiving a baby and experiencing pregnancy can be an emotionally daunting, stressful and confusing especially for first-time mothers. Hence it is advised to discuss and share your doubts with someone knowledgeable as you undergo physical and emotional changes through each trimester.

If you still have any unanswered questions, you can join our SHEROES - a woman only platform, where you can ask your doubts with your fellow SHEROES members and Doctors who can address your concerns and clarify your doubts, all without any interference or judgement or ridicule from the outside world.

Join SHEROES, a women-only platform and a safe space for women, where women like you discuss issues that is close to your heart, confidentially. Get support from experts, doctors and other women. Register now.

Kanika Gautam
An ardent writer, a serial blogger and an obsessive momblogger. A writer by day and a reader by night - My friends describe me as a nocturnal bibliophile. You can find more about me on

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