Winter Hair Care Tips You Need, To Pamper Your Tresses

Be it summers or winters, everyone wants to look put together. While the winter season has its benefits when it comes to makeup and clothing, it can, in fact, be harsh on your hair. We're talking dryness, static, frizz, and general lack of that luscious, smooth, shiny hair.

One may think, the winter effects on the hair are temporary and are restored as the weather passes. But more often than not, the exposure due to the harsh cold elements zap our hair out of its moisture, causing your dull and weak hair more susceptible to long-lasting damage.

Not only are your precious hair strands at risk of breakage due to the dry, cold weather, but scalp dryness, dandruff, can really exacerbate its ugly effects during these drier months.

However, these are all problems that can be avoided with ease as long as you have the right hair care routine for winter. And it needn't be expensive even.

Now have a good hair day everyday with these natural ways to combat the winter hair damage-

What helps dry hair in winter?

#1. Hydration

Hydration begins from within. A dehydrated body cannot maintain a healthy and hydrated scalp. Just like all your organs, your hair needs hydration.

During winters, sweat evaporates more rapidly in the cold, dry air, and that can result in dehydration. Without the sweat, we’re tricked into thinking we aren’t losing fluids as rapidly as during a hot, summer day. Cooler temperature can also reduce the body’s thirst response. All of this can easily lead to a dehydrated, which in turn worsens the condition of your hair. Drinking enough water is the key to avoiding dehydration. At least 8-10 glasses a day is recommended.

Along with hydration, a nutrient-rich diet will strengthen your locks from roots to tips.

#2. Moisturize hair and scalp with hair oil and butter

We very well understand the importance of keeping our hair moisturized and relaxed during winters. Dry hair can very quickly lead to an itchy scalp and dandruff. Which in the worst case, may cause hair to fall.

There's no better time to invest in these magical natural oils such as Shea butter, Olive oil, Coconut oil, Babassu oil, Avocado oil.

(Don't miss out on these Effective Home Remedies for Hairfall)

#3. Deep hair conditioning

Using a deep conditioner and a leave-in treatment is the easiest way to restore your hair's lustre. A deep conditioning hair mask of warm coconut oil left overnight or mashed bananas, not only help reverse the effects of dryness, but are an excellent preventative measure to ensure that your hair is protected and at an optimal level of health, year round. So don't be afraid to double up on that deep conditioner or homemade hair mask on your next wash.

#4. Drying your hair- do it right

Blow drying your hair every time after a head wash may seem like a tedious job. But it's absolutely never okay to head out with wet hair, however short on time you may be. Cold hair expands the hair shaft, making the hair more prone to breakage. Another thing you keep in mind is to dry your hair on a warm to cold setting, instead of a hot temperature setting from a distance of at least 15 cms.

If at all you’re unable to completely dry your hair before stepping out, ensure to tuck it underneath your scarf or a hat in order to protect them.

How can I nourish my hair in winter?

#1. Co-wash more, less shampoo

Co-washing is a great way to gently cleanse relaxed hair without stripping your hair off moisture or nutrients. Co-washing can be done with a rinse out conditioner or cleansing cream with less or no shampoo.

#2. Oil restoring weekly

Regular oiling before head washes and weekly leave-in oil masks ensure your hair’s health all winter long.

Here are a few DIY homemade hair masks for restoring dry damaged hair -

Following the hair mask application, cover your hair with a shower cap for 30 to 60 minutes. Shampoo out, and condition. Sit back and treat your hair with the well deserved moisturizing this weekend.

If you find that your hair is still too dry during the winter even with weekly treatments, you may want to go the extra mile and hydrate your hair overnight with a hair oil or serum.

#3. Have your hair trimmed regularly

However long or short hair you have, winter weather can make the ends of your hair dry and brittle leading your hair more prone to splitting. Regular trims will keep your hair in good condition and reduce the chance of split ends. And hey, a little pampering at the salon every once in a while didn't hurt anybody!

#4. Wash your hair in warm or cool water

It might be tempting in the winters to turn the water temperature up and bathe in lava, as soothing as it may be, it can majorly harm your delicate hair. Try to avoid washing your hair in very hot water - use warm or cool water to avoid damage. Hot water can dry out your hair and damage the delicate skin on your scalp, which may be extra sensitive during the winter. A dry scalp can fasten up the growth of dandruff even.

#5. Control the frizz

Frizz is a direct result of dry hair. Dry hair soaks up moisture in the air causing your strands to frizz.

Keep frizz at bay with this homemade hair mask-

#6. Control static hair

Static hair: one of the most annoying side effects of winter. Don't let static undo your pretty’ do. Control static by ditching the plastic com for a wooden one as wood doesn’t conduct electricity.

For tamed tresses in seconds try this DIY fresh smelling mist.

A quick fix for static hair is to apply a small amount of water to the hands and smoothing it over your hair as it neutralises the static charge. Spraying hairspray on to your hair is also a quick method to fix static hair.

#7. Protect hair from the elements of cold- cover your locks

Brisk weather can dry out your hair quickly. Invest in a satin lined hat or a silk scarf. Wrap your hair in a silk scarf before putting on your favourite cozy hat. It will protect your hair from frizz and static. No more crazy hat hair. Taking your beauty sleep on a silk pillow is also something you can do for smooth and soft hair.

#8. Wear protective hairstyles

Opt for styles where your ends aren’t exposed i.e. buns, updo’s, weaves, braids etc. Doing this will not only help keep the hair protected and retain its moisture but also will keep it away from rough winter fabrics. Also, a new signature hairstyle for winters can be a good change.

What to avoid

Take care of your hair ladies! As your hair is your best accessory.

Megha Dadarwal
22, Dentist, passionate yogi who loves dogs and beaches.

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