From Home-Makers To Risk-Takers: Women Slay @Mia SHEROES Summit



The 5th edition of the SHEROES Summit brought us another step closer to creating a better and more evolved space for women. Was it more of the same for you or was it different this time around?



It was my third SHEROES Summit, and I could feel the palpable difference. The community members - even the women who attended - had a different agenda and were looking for new directions. It was no longer about job-hunting or wanting help for a work from home role, or cluelessly asking what the Summit is all about; the women who came to the Opportunity Desk were more confident, wanted more from life and knew where they were headed. They had a good idea about what assistance they needed and found a sounding board to bounce their ideas off of.

So who were these women, what was their profile and what were they looking for? An overwhelming majority were professionals, consisting of skilled women who were articulate and expressive. A number of returning professionals came in looking to get back to work, but with a difference. There were no complaints, but rather a desire to find a way forward and act.


“What can we do?’’

“What do you suggest?’’

“How can I get there?’’

“How can SHEROES help here?’’



Here are some excerpts from a few conversations -

I was running a successful business but, with corporate budgets shrinking, I am looking for different avenues. I have the ideas but at my age putting in my own funds is too risky. Will getting investors or funding be the answer?


I was a software engineer, and after a long break, I began with content writing. Now I have a team of content writers working for me. However, even after getting the best certifications, I have not been able to get back in tech. What do you suggest I do? Are there other options? What about digital marketing?


I have taken a break and am looking to get back, but the idea of a 9 - 5 job does not excite me now. After working for 10 years in the product space, I am interested in working with volunteer groups. How will that work for me and do you have any other suggestions?


I am a CA and have worked in the equity space. I’m looking to get back after a long break but want to start something of my own. Who can I tie up with? Any companies that would have space for me?


A year ago, my body was wracked with pain. As I went through various therapies, I hit upon Movement therapy that is both preventive and therapeutic. I went in for certifications and even did free sessions. I now want to start it as paid work. I am looking for collaborators and ways to take this forward.


I was working in operations for almost 8 years but the company downsized. As a small team, my managerial role had limited members and I am finding it difficult to get back after a break. I am open to branching out on my own. Would reselling be a good option?


I am a web designer and am looking to form a start-up. Can you suggest how I should go about it?


These ladies knew where they were headed, and quite a few had researched their various options. The biggest issue holding them back was the ‘But’’- “but what if...’’ “but is that possible…” “but it is difficult…”. I heard this word again and again, along with the frequently articulated loss of confidence most returning professionals go through. Is it just us or does society make us doubt ourselves, lose belief and question our choices? When will we grow beyond the judgement and fear of failure?



This summit was as much about the #FutureOfWork as it was about our Future Choices. And the choice to grow, despite the risk of failure, means that we have already won.

We are coming to a city near you! Check out these links:

Mia SHEROES Summit BANGALORE (July 29, 2017)
Mia SHEROES Summit KOLKATA (August 5, 2017)
Mia SHEROES Summit CHENNAI (August 19, 2017)


Monica Majithia
A Life Coach , Psychologist and trained Counselor specializing in Educational and Vocational Counselling. A UGC certified lecturer ,I have researched on gender studies, taught post graduate students and published research articles on women's careers during my Fellowship.I am an active member of an NGO called Bharat Soka Gakkai working in the field of peace ,culture and education .Growth ,Communication and Interaction keep me going and I love to see women work their magic.

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