10 Reasons You Should Choose Fashion Designing As A Career

Women in India are finally getting the chance to come out of the traditional spheres of home-husband-child and have it all. Many women are choosing not to marry and to take charge of their lives as a single woman. Much more want to go for more-- a career and a successful marriage.

But men have had many decades of role models to figure out what they want to do and how they want to do it. The women around me have only seen one or two generations of women, who have struggled against sexism from their families, the world, even an education system not built for them to have careers.

Now with more freedom and all the choices, the younger generation is often confused about what options they have.

I'm offering a closer look at an unconventional choice of career: FASHION.

It is the sort of job many parents would warn against, worried due to common misperceptions and the vagaries of a creative career.

Read on for ten reasons you should go for a career in fashion:

#1. Have A Creative Career

For all the many creative women out there, fashion designing courses can be an outlet that is both creative and practical.

You have the true soul-satisfying lifestyle of one who creates and gets to see their creations take place, but can also be satisfied with the state of your bank account. Unlike most creative outlets, this can be immediately monetized to an extent. You will struggle, as most people do at the beginning of their careers, but the chances of finding a satisfying path are much higher.

#2. The Possibilities Are Wider Than You Think

While people hear ‘fashion designer' and immediately think of high-end couture and runways, the truth is the world is much larger than that. Your parents will think of that, and they will tell you (accurately) that it's a hard life and you have high chances of failing.

There are a lot of women who do designing courses and go into entirely different fields. You could design handbags or shoes for a big brand, or you could work with handicrafts traders, or with fashion editors. The sky is the limit when you start thinking creatively.

#3. Travel!

Take the chance to take on different internships, or different types of jobs. If you’re the type of woman who loves seeing new places and meeting new people, then you will have a lot of opportunities in this lifestyle.

#4. Be Your Boss

Being a fashion designer doesn’t mean you have to be Dior. If your passion is to make clothes, you could start small, and who knows, someday you might be Chumbak or FabIndia. Start small, and dream large. Opening a boutique or store for fashion business is not as difficult as you would believe.

It is still incredibly difficult, and you have to be prepared to do everything from dealing with angry clients to changing the lightbulb. But if this is your dream job, then it’s going to be a good time.

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#5. Be Hatke, Not A Sheep

If you are a woman of today, then you want to stand out from the crowd. You want heads to turn when people see your style.

So why would you want a boring old career that everyone does? With a so-called ‘normal' career you will be drowning the most exciting parts of yourself in the mechanics of boring jobs that you do not love. Is it worth it?

#6. Dynamic, Exciting, Fast-Paced: Perfect for the Modern Woman

In the fashion industry, you never really know what will come next. The market, your clients, even the weather might entirely change your job from week to week.

If you want an exciting life, then you could look up some free online design courses and see whether it’s a career choice that you want to make.

#7. Formal Training Is Important

There are many fashion design colleges in India, including the famous NIFT (National Institute of Fashion Technology) set up by S.K. Misra that will give you the training and skills you need to make your mark.

While it is possible to gain a foothold in the industry without it, formal training and fashion design classes will help you learn fast, and will gain you a network in the world you want to live in.

#8. But Intelligence, Hard-Work, and Enthusiasm Count for More

Like many creative careers, sheer talent and hard work will get you very far. As long as your knowledge about fashion design is extensive, short-term designing courses might be sufficient to give you practical experience.

It is a difficult life in many ways, with inhuman hours, and a hundred other equally talented people waiting to take your job if you don’t want it. But for women with ambition, the drive to prove themselves can spur them on to greater heights.

#9. You Can Dream Big

As a career path, it is one in which anything is possible. If you want to see the world, then that is possible. If you want to be known all over the world… that's more difficult, but there's no harm in dreaming. You can possibly become one of the top fashion bloggers. It could happen. In a safe career, it never could.

#10. Have Fun

If designing is genuinely your ambition, then many hardships that your parents anticipate for you will be unimportant for you. Because you'll be having fun, doing what is truly important to you.

This is indeed the most important reason to choose any career path. The essential question is, do you want it? If you have a passion for fashion, then indulge in it. Think through your options intelligently, but take a chance on living the life you want.

Fashion, like most creative paths, cannot just be done from the brain, it must come from the heart.

I hope I’ve given you something to think about when pondering your career options! Happy designing, ladies!

For getting more insights about a career in Fashion Designing, you can explore the Fashion Community on SHEROES.

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