Farnaz from Jaipur Started With Just 3OOO & Now Runs All-Women Team of 35

Today, I take you to meet the 28-year-old Farnaz Fatima from Pink City Jaipur in Rajasthan which also happens to be my hometown. Small world, isn't it, connected through SHEROES?

I ask her and we both share hearty laughter. I was pulled to Farnaz due to the attractive fashion work she posts at the BAZAAR COMMUNITY as well as the FASHION AND LIFESTYLE COMMUNITY on SHEROES.

Right from Hand-printed Rajasthani Kurtis, to fashion accessories to even stylish scarves, Farnaz Fashions has it all in its kitty! And that too as per the latest, yet unique styles. Still, Farnaz calls herself a some-what self-trained fashion designer and stylist!

Why self-trained Farnaz?

She takes a pause and begins unfolding her life story, " I belong to what is supposed to be a conservative community. And we aren't accepted within our community if we wish to be different from the league. We are four siblings, two brothers and two sisters, who have a somewhat liberal upbringing. I always had panache and passion to be a fashion designer. I would create fashionable stuff for my family which they would show-off with pride in family gatherings. But, our relatives were very much against the profession of my choice. But then, my mother was quite supportive of my choices."

She gulps down, perhaps a few harsh memories, and continues, 

"The negative comments of my relatives would bog me down. And I was afraid to venture out to chase my dreams. But my mother pushed me out and made me join a local fashion designing institute. That's when I got a bit confident and one fine day I won the award for the Best Fashion Designer of Rajasthan! That was the first life-changing moment!"

Farnaz says when she thought of launching her own Fashion Label. She begins, "Who would accept a girl from a so-called conservative community, to go ahead and change the normal course of her life to a very different one? These and a million more questions raced through my mind. And then came the second and final life-changing moment of my life. My father passed away. Abba's demise left us shocked and lost. But our mother stood behind us like a rock, especially behind me. She motivated me to not just be the best in my field, but to remain the best in my field and start my own Fashion Label."

Farnaz gulps down a few more bitter memories, perhaps of her late father, takes a long pause and continues, "I had no clue where to start from. All I knew was that I had just Rs 3000 and some creations in my hand. So FARNAZ FASHIONS was launched with a mere Rs 3000. My sister and I went on foot from one-shop-to another to sell my creations. And also build a base for future sale. With time I learnt how to procure raw materials at wholesale price; I learnt how to do Digital Marketing; how to sustain work like block printing etc, even in the absence of the artists by doing it on my own and above all how to stay motivated and keep walking towards my goal to stay unique and the best. And I would like to thank my family here for the sustained support."

And then she shares what leaves me overwhelmed...something that plants Farnaz as a true SHEROES in my mind.

"Mahima Ma’am, I am not allowed to share their images with me, due to their conservative families' constraints. But in my team, there are 35 women spread across various religious communities. Most of them are facing serious financial issues, be it due to being single parents or being widows. Art flows in their genes. All they needed was a platform. And I decided that FARNAZ fashion will be that platform. My mom gave me a reason to dream and live it. And I had to spread the same light. I am proud of these women artisans in my team who are an ace at stitching, block printing, handwork and even marketing. Their financial independence, joy and love is my actual award."

Farnaz is just 28 and today she stands taller than all big CEOs of the companies whom I have met so far, as a journalist. And my heart says take a bow Farnaz when she tells me that she donates 3% of her own profit share towards the betterment of many more women like her. She adds that she is also re-seller of few products that match her taste and thus she is able to make good profit towards donations.

She adds that finding SHEROES through Social Media has made her life and work so much better. She asserts, "SHEROES' Bazaar Community isn't my only motive to join this women-only platform. My aim is to motivate many women like me, to come out of their closets, rise and shine! We have only one life, we can either waste it the way society wants to command us or spend it empowering each other to be a better and happier woman, a better human being."

And this reflects in her posts at SHEROES which are done beyond the Bazaar Community.

She not only motivates women but also gives DO IT YOURSELF or DIY tips like these to create their fashion statement or works at home. For instance, check out this one.

So, besides the Fashion Designer, who is the real Farnaz? She giggles like a teenager and says," Farnaz is a girl who will always be 18 at heart; who loves to travel, who loves to explore and learn about other cultures and who would one day set for a world tour to soak in all the positive vibes of all cultures across the world. And maybe reflect the same in her works!" And then she adds that she loves to dance play chess with her brothers and has much love for horse-riding as it gives her that 'wing-waali-feeling' she says! And we both laugh again.

Talking about her future goals, she says her most cherished dream or goal is to adopt a BABY GIRL! I wish to give her the same upbringing that my mother gave me, to transform her into a fiercely independent and strong woman. How cute is that!

Farnaz and I share some common passions and the same town, so we will perhaps go on and on, having a hearty soul-to-soul conversation. But for now, she leaves you with this very emotional yet inspirational message:

"It's high time for you all to be aware of the fact this it is only you who is responsible for all the deeds that you will do and you want to do. Don't let anyone else hold the pen to write the story of your life. Trust me there's no greater happiness than making yourself proud by turning your dreams into reality with your hard work and dedication."

You can follow Farnaz Fatima on SHEROES.

Don't forget to share her story and leave loads of love in the comments column for Farnaz. I will catch you soon with another life story in the #MeetTheSheroes Series.

Mahima Sharma
An award-winning Independent Journalist & Content Curator based in New Delhi. She is Ex-News Editor, CNN-News18 and ANI (a collaboration with Reuters) who comes with an experience of 14 years in Print, TV and Digital Journalism. She is the only Indian who finds a mention in the Writers' Club of Country Squire Magazine, United Kingdom. Sufi at heart, she also has some 30 poems to her credit at various reputed international podiums.

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