Help a Fellow SHEROES Community Member

Help a Fellow SHEROS Community Member: Family Against Working Post-Baby

This post was in our Career Connect Forum:

My family is against me going back to office after having a baby. How can I convince them to let me do it? Every week we just argue as they promised I could work when I was married but now they say I cannot. Are there some chances to be flexible and also be with my family so they are not upset?

~ Anonymous

Check out  some responses from our community:

Monica Majithia:

That must be tough. Why don't you look for work from home options but you will need to talk to them frankly about your aspirations and the value you can create, as their support will be needed if you are to engage in any kind of work

B N Suma:

Nidhi: If you are an IT professional you can opt for work from home. Else it is right time for you start your own business if your spouse is comfortable in his profession and your In laws are financially independent.

Nisha Garg:

Dear Anonymous, fulfilling your dreams and aspirations is not easy after marriage but if you are dedicated and sincere to fulfill them no one can stop you. Just be calm and try to make balance between your job and family life.  A good understanding communication between family members can resolve the issue. You have to manage things accordingly at your own end so that none of family member suffers. Initially it is tough but once you manage things everyone appreciate it. You must give a try either by work from home or any work you dream of. Good Luck.

Merin E S:

I agree with Saanvi, love your own unconditionally, talk to them and convince them your family is your priority but career brightens up your life. Don't give up... Hang on... love, talk, until a solution is found. God bless.....

Swati Singh:

Hey, do not be sad, we most of the women in India are facing this problem, so be assured you are not alone. Regarding the solution, I have few suggestions:

1) Convince them by telling that most of the working women in India are managing both work and family successfully with the kind of institutional support available these days.

2)  Today day cares offer excellent facilities, you can visit in your city and decide. Even if you are not able convince, be open for a career break, today many organizations are coming forward for giving choices to second career women eg. Tata, Deloitte and Genepact to name a few. In both the cases, you have a win-win situation so relax and see what best can you do keeping up with your priorities. Best Wishes- Swati

What a super supportive community full of good advice. What would be your advice to her? We’d love for you to share your thoughts with your fellow community members and post in the forum what you are facing in your career too, so SHEROES can help you!

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Avani Parekh
Avani Parekh is the founder of, a counseling portal for relationships, love and sexual health. She loves karaoke, sand between her toes and experimental cooking.

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