A Dowry Survivor, Martina Redefines Her Life With Work, Passion And SHEROES

"Till a few years back, I had never imagined that someone would interview me as an inspiration. To tell you the bitter truth, it was a very tough time. Dowry demands at my husband's place were forever mounting, even after nine months into the wedding and multitasking at work and home, I was hardly appreciated. When I met with an accident in 2014 and could not continue my job, I was sent back to my parents. My family was told to give a certain amount to my in-laws, for me to be taken back home. We didn't budge under pressure and my husband never came to take me back. But today I have no regrets about that. I am strong, independent and an achiever, which I perhaps would never have been in those environs."

30-year-old Martina Motwani reveals this and claims more to me in a heart-breaking chat on the phone. Udaipur, Rajasthan-based Martina is a Digital Marketing Expert, also backed by Masters in Computer Applications. She runs her small Digital venture: Martina Motwani Digital World

But then her SHEROES timeline does not have an iota of reflection of her past.

She is either busy motivating women to be ace home-chefs, teaching them the basics of cooking.

Or spends time motivating and uplift those in distress.

So how did this turn-around happen from a victim of dowry to a woman of strength?

"Mahima, I was always a woman of courage otherwise how would I have survived as a human in such a hostile environment. My parents and brother stood by me like rocks. And seeing them, the neighbours and relatives also fell in the right place, since over the years they knew, it was better for me to turn single, rather than continue to bear the torture. Initially, a lot of negative thoughts used to come to my mind, but then when I immersed myself deeply into my work, with time I became stronger and independent. Life is all about turning yourself into an achiever and also moving ahead holding hands with others, who have faced similar situations," asserts Martina.

Martina, there are many like you, who are going through a similar turmoil in life. What's your advice to them?

She smiles and slowly starts sharing, " Every relationship has some problem or the other which usually comes through misunderstandings also. First, I suggest clear all misunderstanding with your partner. The second step is to seek family help. And third is to seek the help of a relationship counsellor. Still, if you are not able to find a mutual connection with the partner or any other relation, there is no point holding onto a relationship that is not working. And all this while work on to stay financially independent. Because ultimately financial support is the most important mental support needed when you have to take a tough stand in life. And above all, connect with like-minded people. Get inspired by them and also keep inspiring them. Good attracts good."

Asserts a very sorted and positive Martina. And this attitude reflects in the kind of work she is doing on SHEROES Platform where she found not only like-minded women but also the motivation to excel.

She smiles and continues, "I joined SHEROES because it’s a women-only platform for the women, by the women. Not only you build yourself as a person but also make a strong network of like-minded people as well as professionals."

She adds, " I love healthy cooking and that's the need of the hour. I share videos of the same to motivate more and more women to come into this field. Whenever I am able to cook, I ensure I post videos of the same on SHEROES and I must say, I get a great response for which I am thankful to each one of you."

As a Digital Marketer, how do you find time to offer support to the women on the platform and share your learnings with them in addition to your hectic work routine?

She laughs, "Mahima, work and life can never have an ideal balance. But if we all try, we can surely take out time to pursue our hobbies, not just to cut stress but also do something beyond our comfort zones that will in a way not just keep us happy, but also be a game changer for others. Isn't it? Being a Digital Marketer I can work in different time zones for my various clients. And that's how I manage to pursue my passion at SHEROES as well as my professional pursuits."

My next question had to be on how women can go beyond just motivation and take tips from her to gain more digital visibility as a professional and for their works too.

If you have a company or brand you must have a website or an app to connect with users to your brand.

Coming back to life, she asserts that for women to be happy, just financial independence isn't enough. She says, "Self-care is of utmost importance. I have learnt it with time. If you don't love yourself and don’t take care of yourself, you will succumb to external pressures. If I tell you by example, I will share my own story. For me, a 4 km daily walk and exercise is about investing in my healthy life. Second, comes my love to travel and explore India. I have extensively explored Rajasthan, Gujarat, Delhi, Punjab, and Mumbai over the years. Travel teaches you that, which no mentor can teach. The cultural diversity of India and its cuisines give me that additional kick. And that's my way of self-care. Every woman must find her hidden inner passion and invest time in it, to bring inner peace."

I asked her what are her parting words to encourage women to be a beacon of light like Martina. She laughs again with joy and signs off saying:

"My only message to all those reading my life-story is that NEVER GIVE UP. Keep working towards your goals. Don't overload yourself with thoughts of a problem, work on hunting the solution. And you will never look back. You are unique, stay that, don't compare yourself with anyone. And you will keep excelling."

That was Martina Motwani in an exclusive chat with me in the ongoing #MeetTheSHEROESSeries. I am sure she has inspired you a lot. So don't forget to leave loads of love for her in the comments and also click the share button! You can follow Martina on SHEROES.

Mahima Sharma
An award-winning Independent Journalist & Content Curator based in New Delhi. She is Ex-News Editor, CNN-News18 and ANI (a collaboration with Reuters) who comes with an experience of 14 years in Print, TV and Digital Journalism. She is the only Indian who finds a mention in the Writers' Club of Country Squire Magazine, United Kingdom. Sufi at heart, she also has some 30 poems to her credit at various reputed international podiums.

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