Ensuring Safe Spaces For Women Online

Well, we all know that SHEROES is a women’s-only platform. But to keep it men-free has been a genuine challenge!

Like all other life-battles where our community stands together, “Dude Alert” has become just another fun exercise for us! The members are constantly pitching along with the SHEROES Community Team to keep their platform safe.

Joining the force was our Engineering Team who worked day in and day out to empower our users to run the platform the way they want, aka, absolutely “man-free”. After weeks of coding, the long-awaited “Report Spam” feature has been shipped onto the new version of the SHEROES App.

This feature enables our users to report content or profiles on the platform that they find unsuitable. Here is a quick glimpse for you -

Report a Post or a Comment

Reporting a post as a spam post


Report a User Profile

Reporting a fake user


With this, we double down on our promise of a safe internet space for all our community members and the ladies who are still waiting to download the SHEROES App.

Here’s to your safe and happy place! Cheers.

Do check out the new updated community guidelines for SHEROES. To experience the latest features, get the latest version of the SHEROES app from the Google Play Store.


Garima Gupta
Engineer by education, Product Manager by profession and Dancer at Heart! Loves to observe human behavior and psychology, driven by the zeal to create an impact. Travel enthusiast and a budding writer.

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