In the Indian society getting a girl married means that a father has provided her security for life. But is that really true ... does marriage really provide the ultimate security?
Ria’s father was at the verge of retirement and wanted her to ‘settle down.’ For him settling her meant getting her married. So he started looking for a boy who was well established and could take care of his daughter. The groom hunt finally came to an end with Varun who seemed to meet all the requirements which Ria’s father was looking for in his son-in-law. What followed was a massive three day celebration of the wedding along with pre and post wedding celebrations. Everyone was very happy with the wedding and soon Ria got busy with her new family and was happy with her husband.
After ten years of marital bliss Varun suffered a heart attack and due to this he had an unexpected and untimely death. Ria, who all this while was happy and “secure” was suddenly clueless. She did not have any knowledge regarding financial matters. She did not know where and how Varun had invested in policies and bonds. To make matters worse she was not even aware of Varun’s bank account details, leave alone the password for internet banking. She did not have any details regarding Varun’s company and was clueless on how she could get financial help despite “having it all.” This was Ria’s story, where she had to face hardships after her husband’s death, but let us not be like Ria.
Another friend I knew had applied for a divorce because of the financial crisis at home. Her husband was a spendthrift and did not believe in saving, while on the other hand she believed in doing so. But her husband lost everything in gambling and when they needed money; they had none.
To make marriage a complete security it is a must to strengthen the financial union and this is how it can be done:
Talking on these issues can give a new direction to your marriage because the burden of unsettled money matters is enough to mar a relationship. The key to a happier, richer and a secure relationship is that of openly discussing the finances and working together to resolve the issues in order to achieve the goals.
By Shubhra Rastogi