Diversity initiative with Venturesity

Women are hackers by nature, hacking through their lives, families and jobs every day. However, they may not get the necessary outlet to showcase and develop their skills. So, we are providing women with a great platform to enable that. With a deep interest in technology, we frequently conduct LearnUps to discuss diverse topics in Web scraping, Front-end technology, Analytics & many more. LearnUp topics may vary upon the requests received from the community. All women with an interest in Technology is welcome to LearnUp -> Connect -> Grow!
Are you an aspiring writer? Want to write great and informative posts that would be seen by millions?
Then join us for the Ms. Hackers Digital Marketing Content Writing LearnUp where you learn how to create compelling content and share it with the world!
This momentous event takes place this Saturday, 30th Jan - Bangalore
Open for all women. Register here

SHEROES - lives and stories of women we are and we want to be. Connecting the dots. Moving the needle. Also world's largest community of women, based out of India. Meet us at www.sheroes.in @SHEROESIndia facebook.com/SHEROESIndia

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