Conversation Starters From 2016

Sunday is here and we have again compiled a concise list of different topics for your convenience. Make this Sunday brunch more fun, by cracking conversations around these.

Top Google Searches Of 2016

The year is almost closing to its end and we have witnessed an extreme of all sorts. Our questions nowadays are answered by an all-knowing, search-engine czar, Google.

The best thing about internet is its promptness. You type a query or a word, you get an exhaustive list of related search options.




So what were the top searches of this year on Google?

Issues ranging from  Syrian crisis-Battle of Aleppo to Britain’s exit from the European Union- BREXIT and Pokemon Go, were some of the trending topics, people wanted to know about.

Read the list where Google reveals what we were most curious about in 2016.

Top Influencers Of 2016

Motivation is the stepping stone to success. What better way to get started than listening to successful, influential personalities.



After going through various parameters like, reader engagement- comments and shares- and growth in followers. Linkedin has come up with a list of influencers from India, who have had biggest impact in 2016. It has prolific names like, PMO India, Narendra Modi, Kiran Shaw-Mazumdar Chairman-MD, Bionic Ltd and writer of Women can achieve anything they set their minds on, MP Shashi Tharoor and others.

Go through the Linkedin Top Voices 2016 to know which of your idol has made it to the list.

Skipping College Education Is An Option

Yippee, no more slogging for a college degree! Yes, you read that right. If you aspire to work in IBM, then the prerequisite of a college degree does not apply here.

IBM CEO, Ginni Rometty says that IBM jobs don’t need degrees as they belong to a novel category of “new collar” jobs.

To know more about the “new collar” job phenomenon read how For a career at IBM, you can skip college education.

Dealing With Miscarriage/s


I’m not a mother. When some of my girlfriends conceived, I could make out that they were elated. Pregnancy is definitely a huge news. Happiness of course, but I did notice, that a feeling of overwhelm takes over.

So, it can be said that even though with an unborn baby, a woman can easily develop an emotional connect with it.

At times, due to complications, miscarriages happen. What I fail to understand, is how easily we ask ‘could-have-been mothers’ to sever the emotional connect which was strengthening day-by-day. The least you can do is belittle her emotions.

Know how to empathise with your friend who has lost her infant or suffered from a miscarriage.

How to support a friend who went through a miscarriage will help in restoring your sensitivity chip. Read on to know more.

1200 Years Of Female Musicians


How many female composers can you count on your fingers? The ones that come to my mind are Jennifer Higdon and Carole King. Back home, I could only think of Sneha Khanwalkar.

Well, Spotify playlist will blow your mind and shatter your misconception. The world of classical music has had a fair share of female composers.

1200 years of women composers: From Hildegard to Higdon is an eye-opener for people like me, who are happily ignorant about the contributions made by female musicians.

Get going with these topics on your Sunday brunch.

Have fun!


Lola Jutta
An unapologetic writer, budding travel enthusiast and a default optimist! Life is what you make out of it.

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