What Causes Constipation in Kids - Symptoms and Remedies

Constipation in children is more common than you’d think. It is characterized by hard stools and infrequent bowel movements. Having got the dry part over, in mom parlance, it is a state when your baby is cranky, does not take kindly to sitting on the toilet and complains of a tummy ache.

In most cases the constipation is temporary and while it causes discomfort, it can be managed quite easily with home remedies.

Symptoms of Constipation

Common causes that may cause constipation in young children is a change in diet or the early toilet training days. A child who is being weaned often does not like the taste or texture of solid foods and the foods that we give them at this stage may be lacking fiber. Remember, that face your baby made when she spat out the Wheat Daliya you gave her!

Toilet training can be traumatizing for a child as she does not like disruption from routine. She may refuse to use the potty and this may lead to stools turning dry and hard. Once the process is started, the situation becomes worse day by day. Slowly the motion of passing stool becomes painful and you may find your little one holding on and refusing to go to the toilet. You may notice these symptoms that characterize constipation:

There might be a serious underlying medical condition if constipation is accompanied by fever or vomiting. If your baby has lost a lot of weight or has abdominal swelling it might be a matter of concern and you should seek a doctor’s opinion immediately. Be careful when you dress your toddler and check for tears around the anus or any mass protruding out, it could be a sign of anal fissures or rectal prolapse. There are very few chances of these happening, so please do not get hyper!

(Also read - 11 Tips to Increase Baby Weight)

Causes of constipation

There are many minor and major causes of constipation in young children and mothers should be aware of these to help avoid this painful condition!

Prevention is better than cure!

Create an atmosphere where your child makes healthy life choices and gets into the habit of leading an active life.

(Follow this Food Chart for Your Baby to avoid such problems!)

Home remedies to beat constipation

Grandmothers always know best. Many of the age-old recipes for relieving constipation are still very effective.

Last but not the least, do visit the doctor if you feel that the constipation is too severe, or your baby is not eating or if you are just worried! Sometimes it is good to hear a reassuring, ‘Nothing is wrong” from a trusted Doctor.

Kanika Gautam
An ardent writer, a serial blogger and an obsessive momblogger. A writer by day and a reader by night - My friends describe me as a nocturnal bibliophile. You can find more about me on yourmotivationguru.com

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