Why SHEROES Want To Work

Work means a whole lot of things for different people, but it holds a special importance for women. It is probably the fact that we want to earn our rights and be independent of others. Because gender roles today have no set definition and women are definitely trying to break that stereotype. In a world where India is ranking low on the Global Gender Gap Index this year, work becomes an identity, an independence and a way to grow in life.


This Christmas, we decided to launch a series of posts, powered by our community members, to thank them for bringing vibrancy to our communities. This is our way of saying #ThankYou!


We begin our series with the Career Guidance community. When we asked our community members, ‘why do you work?’, we got some inspiring, on-point answers. Read on!


Financial Independence


Shweta is a single mom and in her case, it is all about survival. While Nidhi Shivane says, “When you’re financially independent and working, you also get to know the industry trends. It helps you to grow professionally and personally.”


Being financially independent gives a big boost to Pallavy’s morale and coping capabilities. While finance is the main reason, to be somebody more than just a name is also of importance for Rajlakshmi Pillai.


Lola spells out what we all secretly want, “I work so that I get the money to spend it at parties ;) But yeah individuality and independence too :D”


Returi Sreeramya wraps it up for all of us in the aptest words, that women are not born to just cook and take care of the house. Work is all about earning self-respect and being financially independent.


Carving An Identity For Oneself


Shabana Jafar reasons out, and probably a lot of us will identify with her, “It is to hold on to my identity, to prove that women are not dependent on anyone, to be a better role model for my daughter, to help in financial management of the house, to explore out of the box.”


Raji sums it up in two words - personal growth. It’s okay to be passionate about your work (and not feel guilty about it). Sejal speaks for a lot of us when she says that she doesn’t like to sit idle, plus work gives her chance to learn, enhance skills and upgrade on a professional level.


Megha says, “Work is about shaping an identity for myself and to gain respect from others.”




Lahar is an independent single mother, who wants to work because she wants to fulfill every single wish of her son. She’s clear about not being dependent on anyone and wants to make her own identity.


Manisha Sharma’s reasons resonate with all of us when she points out that working is about being independent, saving for the kids and not being liable to anybody.


Merril Diniz says, “For me, work has always been about doing something meaningful, which creates some impact beyond profits for a company. Social relevance is as important as building skills and doing interesting work. On a different note, being financially independent is also important. It's important for women to take care of their fiscal health.”


Thank you to all the women who actively participate in our communities. You’re spreading joy and it feels like Christmas at SHEROES every day!


P.S.: You do know that you’re our supporting rock right? You, reading this post, make our community what it is, creating a circle of support, helping each other every day.


So watch out for our #ThankYou series starting this Christmas and join in the fun!


Do you like our idea of this series? Tell us what more would you like to read, in the comments below.


Nirupama Kondayya
Nirupama feels that life is all about #TakingCharge, one step at a time, everyday. She truly believes that women have the potential to achieve their dreams, once they put their heart into it. She also believes that being grateful for little things has big impacts in life.

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