Breaking down net neutrality for you

The internet is built around the idea of openness and freedom. It allows people to connect and exchange information online. If you like this current state of internet you should know,

A little more about net neutrality:

Net neutrality focuses on ensuring that all websites should be accessed in the ‘neutral’ and ‘equal’ manner without giving priority or importance to any other website. In simple terms, you can communicate freely online and you are connected through an internet service provider.  Net Neutrality is the internet’s guiding principle that “preserves our right to communicate freely online”. India has no rules governing net neutrality.

Internet services are provided by internet service providers. So as a user you have to pay the internet service provider (ISP) a certain sum of money as per a specified billing cycle. You are free to access any website on the internet. This 

-Stimulates ISP(Internet Service Provider) competition
-Helps prevent unfair pricing practices
-Promotes innovation
-Promotes the spread of ideas
-Drives entrepreneurship
-Protects freedom of speech

On the other hand, let’s understand what happens if you are deprived or denied your internet freedom:

Some internet providers or service providers wanted to alter the way the internet works. They wanted to collect some money from certain companies like Facebook, Netflix so that they can guarantee that their data can continue to reach the user unrestricted. These ISPs will have a special charge for certain websites and if you don’t pay the amount charged, then they will reduce your internet speed. This is where net neutrality vanishes.

If there is no net neutrality then the ISPs would try to control exactly how you use your data pack.

The campaign  #SaveTheInternet, supports net neutrality and doesn’t support ISPs trying to control the internet.

Net neutrality vouches for an open internet atmosphere which prohibits internet service providers to either favour or restrict any web content for users.

TRAI (Telecom Authority of India) last month asked Facebook operator partner, Reliance Communications, to “put on hold” the "Free Basics" services in the country now.  

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Radha Sivakumar
Radha Sivakumar is an educationalist and IT Professional. She loves teaching and fixing computers.

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