Be aware of these five sham internet jobs!

Internet offers a Pandora of work-from-home possibilities that allow the flexibility of choosing the working location as well as hours. However, the freedom comes with the flipside of scams. The desperation to prove yourself renders you vulnerable to the ‘get-rich-with-quick-buck’ bug. However, a little care can save your hard-earned money and the associated anxiety. Here are the five jobs you should guard against while shortlisting the online opportunities.

1) Type-and-earn/ Filling forms

The simple typing job is the most popular form of scam among the conmen. Search for any work-from-home job in the newspaper or online, it is the first one to pop-up. The employers want you to just type a few pages daily and they are more than happy to write you a cheque of half-a-lac per month. But then, why should a clerk or a steno forgo a billion dollar job for the one earning them just a few thousands? The cliché here is the ‘nominal fee’ that you have to pay for downloading the software required for work. Once paid, do not expect to hear from them again!

2) Editing/ proofreading

This job requires you to just run software on the system that does all the work. They do not need any qualification or experience, except how to switch on and off the computer. The scanned pay-cheques are available on the website. Testimonials of the grateful workforce are an additional attraction. Wouldn’t it give bumps to the editors since the software renders them obsolete? Luckily, they are safe. Because as soon as you pay for the software, the job evades! 

3) Sending bulk e-mails/ SMS marketing

You just need to send pre-written bulk e-mails or SMS for marketing the company and its product. You earn per e-mail/ SMS sent. However, shouldn’t the advertising guys run to save their business? To their respite, the magical job eludes as soon as you pay the registration fees to the employers.

4) Clicking advertisements

The employers pay you for clicking advertisements. The payment is per click. You need to buy a training kit that familiarises you with the job. Don’t you think this one has the ability to bankrupt the advertisers who assume clicks to be synonymous with the revenue!

5) E-mail job offers

Here you receive an offer letter in the e-mail from the Human Resources (HR) of a reputed company, say, Coca Cola. They claim to have shortlisted your CV from the famous job boards, such as, The letter head and the style add to the appeal. However, they ask you to fund your training at their campus. Shouldn’t the companies dismantle the HR departments and hire these fraudsters instead for their innovative simplification of the hiring process?

There are companies who offer genuine work opportunities in all of the above categories, but they do not ask for money, and, may not sound so cool! So, when you browse the jobs next time, be prepared to work hard. Always remember, employers do not sell jobs, at least on the internet!

Neha Dewan
An environmentalist by training, I worked in the corporate sector during the initial years to find a confluence between the industries and nature. At present, I teach Biology online to higher secondary students. I love exploring the sabbatical blues faced by women like me and how the magnanimous internet could help us.

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