Balancing the Seesaw of Career and Motherhood

There’s no handbook for balancing motherhood and a career. But as I’ve learned through the years, there are things you can do to stay committed, successful and happy—at home and at work.

My elder daughter, Anika, was a few months old when I started a new professional inning with Accenture in 2006. The “new-mom guilt” specter stalked me at this point. Has she eaten properly? Will I be a good mother? Should I take a career break? My mind was clouded with these thoughts.

Leaving my infant at home and pulling my weight at work? The idea was simply daunting.

Building a career and a family

I’m an incurable optimist—no mountain is too high for me to scale. And that optimism, coupled with a problem-solving attitude and a flexible work environment, is what saw me through.

From the time my first daughter was born to now, I’ve completed 12 years with Accenture and built a great career here—a stint I’m proud of. I’ve played multiple roles in my Accenture journey, including serving as the Capability Network Recruitment Delivery lead and the Capability Network India Node lead for our HR Strategy and Transformation practice.

Currently, I am the Knowledge Business Partner for Talent and Organization, responsible for creating knowledge strategies for the function globally.

As I’ve built my career, I’ve also appreciated the time I’ve had watching my family grow. I’m currently enjoying a wonderful learning phase with my daughters, who are now 11 and 12. We just checked learning how to swim from our never-ending wish list!

Time for family, work—and yourself

So, how have I kept my head above water? I’ve learned a few things along my journey that help me ride the seesaw of career and motherhood.

By being honest and transparent at work, planning ahead with my family and taking quality time for myself, I continue to achieve success on my own terms. You can too.

I feel successful when I complete a lap in the pool with my girls, tuck them in bed at night or strategize with clients in another part of the world. I’m committed to each role I play—at home and at work. And I’m not willing to sacrifice one for the sake of the other.

Succeed at work and fulfil your passions by bringing your true, authentic self to work. Find an opportunity with our Accenture team today.

Deepti Gogia

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