How To Avoid Pregnancy: 10 Full Proof Methods

Unplanned pregnancies aren't always a good kind of surprise for many and here is where birth control comes to the rescue.

Birth control, also known as contraception; consists of methods and devices used to avoid pregnancy.

There are plenty of birth control options to choose from, however, choosing the right kind of birth control that suits all your needs can be a tough task if you have minimal knowledge regarding how they work.

(Also, just before you proceed ahead, reading this article, Here are 10 Methods to Test Pregnancy at Home, Just to be sure if you are pregnant or not!)

Here is what you need to know to Avoid getting Unwantedly Pregnant -

Types of Birth Control Methods

Based on their type, birth control methods can be -

Some of these are considered highly effective when it comes to preventing pregnancy, however, when it comes to birth control, not everything works the same.

Let's take in the example of some methods like -

All these methods are unreliable and Ineffective when it comes to avoiding pregnancy.

Now that it's clear what is effective and what is Ineffective, let's learn about the effectiveness of the methods and which one works the best.

Effective methods To Avoid Pregnancy (Listed by Effectiveness)

Some methods of birth control are proven to be better than the others. Based on their effectiveness, they can be -

Extremely effective (99%)

#1. IUDs

Intrauterine devices are implanted inside the uterus of a woman. Devices such as Copper-T are widely used as an IUD.  IUDs are a great choice of contraception as they work for a very long period of time (8-10 years) without any hassle.

The procedure of inserting an IUD is done by a medical practitioner after a thorough health checkup. The IUD can be removed easily by the doctor later on when the couple decides to get pregnant.

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They are a good choice of birth control for the long run but hey do not protect against the risk of sexually transmitted infections and diseases.

Some other side effects that come with IUDs are irregular bleeding and painful menstruation.

#2. Implants

Implants are made of tiny plastic rods which are placed under the skin of your arm by a doctor. Implants slowly release progesterone which prevents the egg from being released from the ovary. Implants work for as long as 3 years and are quite efficient.

(Also, Do read these 10+ Early Pregnancy symptoms you’ll notice even before missing a period.)

#3. Sterilisation

It is a surgical method of birth control which involves cutting and tying of tubes that carry sperms in males and eggs in females. It is a permanent method of birth control.

Very effective (80-91%)

#1. Birth control pills

These are a famous form of contraception which is easily available and used worldwide. Birth control pills are meant to be taken every day at the same time for 21 days to prevent the ovary from releasing eggs.

Birth control pills should be taken under your doctor's supervision if you decide to take them regularly for a long duration of time. They can interact and interfere with other medications and should not be taken by people with clotting disorders.

They don't protect against STDs and may cause mood swings.

#2. Vaginal rings

These are small plastic rings which are inserted in the vaginas. They release a steady and slow dose of hormones that prevent pregnancy and fertilization. They are meant to be inserted and removed every month by a doctor. They don't protect against STDs and should not be used by women with clotting disorders.

#3. Shots

These are Hormonal injections taken 4 times a year with a gap of 12 weeks. The effect of the shot remains for 12 weeks and then wears off. They do not protect from sexually transmitted infections but are an effective form of contraception.

(Wait a second! Can you get Pregnant on Periods?)

(Scary Right! So Don’t avoid reading the above article!)

Effective (70-80%)

#1. Condoms

Used to cover an erect penis. It is made out of a thin rubber-like material which is stretchable and strong.

Condoms prevent the entry of sperms into the vagina by acting as a barrier. They should be handled and chosen properly for their maximum efficiency.

Condoms are easily accessible and cheap. They also prevent STDs up to a great extent.

#2. Cervical Barrier

As the name suggests, cervical barriers are devices which shield the cervix from the entry of sperms. Cervical caps and diaphragms can be inserted up to 24 hours before sex.

They are reusable, should be handled properly and kept in hygienic conditions.

Insertion of the cervical barrier requires the prescription and help of your doctor. It's important that you meet your doctor before using them. Cervical barriers can cause vaginal discharge and odor, they should not be used by people who are allergic to latex.

Moderately effective (60% - 70%)

#1. Spermicides

These are chemicals substances which come in the form of jellies, creams, or foams which kills the sperms to prevent pregnancy. They are easily available and cheap. They may also provide some lubrication during sex, however, they do not protect against the risk of sexually transmitted infections.

They are usually combined and used along with cervical barriers such as diaphragms.

#2. Sponge

It is a small pad of foam which is soaked in spermicide. Sponges are placed in the vagina over the cervix. They are easy to insert and are effective for up to 24 hours. Sponges, however, do not provide any additional protection from the STDs.

Emergency contraception Methods 

Popularly known as the “morning after pill”, emergency contraceptives are used after having unprotected sex. It can be used up to 72 hours after the coitus. Emergency contraceptives are safe and reliable, they don't cause abortion if you are already pregnant. Emergency contraceptives can cause side effects like nausea or vomiting. In case of discomfort, it is advised to meet the doctor.

Natural methods

#1. Withdrawal Method

Withdrawal or pull out method involves retracting the penis out of the vagina before ejaculation.

This method may look free, easy and convenient but it doesn't always work the way it should. 4 out of 100 women still end up getting pregnant. This pull out method also leaves the couple exposed to infections. It is highly advised to use other methods of contraception rather than relying just on the withdrawal method.

#2. Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can be used as a birth control by women who are lactating and have given birth recently. This is known as Lactational amenorrhoea which lasts up to first 6 months after delivery.

This method only works if -

This method is free and reliable up to a certain extent, however, the woman can still get pregnant.

It is advised to use suitable contraception to prevent any chances of catching sexually transmitted infections, this will also minimize the risk of pregnancy in a better way.

(Here are 7 more ways you can avoid getting Pregnant just by identifying its Symptoms.)

#2. Abstinence, Complete Avoidance of Sex

What can prevent pregnancy better than not having sex? However, If abstinence seems like an impossible thing to do, don't worry, you already know about other birth control methods by now.

How to choose?

Choosing the right kind of birth control can be a confusing task, however here are some things you should keep in mind before making a decision

Talking to your doctor regarding every available option will help you figure out what is best for you.

Your doctor will advise you of the method which is best suitable for you. Some contraceptive methods like using birth control pills, hormonal injections and insertion of IUDs should be done under medical supervision only.


With so many birth control methods around, it can be quite an overwhelming and tiresome experience of making a decision and choosing what's perfect for you.

For some people, one method may work perfectly and for others, a combination of two or more methods can do the job brilliantly.

It is important to talk to your partner about these methods along with informing your doctor that you are about to use them. Improper or wrong use of contraception can not only result in pregnancy but can also cause other complications too.

Meet your doctor, talk to your partner and ask yourself what is best is best for you.

Emi Hyder

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