Are You A Princess? Take Off That Crown And Get Real

When you are in the business of counseling, you figure out pretty quickly that people want life to change, but they want that change to be easy.

I call this the “princess syndrome” I -want-to-make-my-life-better-but-please -can-you-tell-me-step-by-step-what-to-do. When you want to change but you are not really ready to do the work.

At SHEROES we see this all the time, people writing to us “please give me a job.” It’s normal to feel this way, after all we live in a society of instant gratification. We want everything fast. Now.

At it’s the same old shit. “Give me a girl’s number” “Tell me how to make him love me forever and never leave me.” Seriously people?—?you just have to dig in and do the work.

The sad truth, is that no one can shortcut the pain of life so much that you never have to feel it. You have to go through the shit to grow. After all, there’s a reason flowers bloom best when supplied with manure at regular intervals.

I am not knocking the people reaching out for help, but my point is, you wanting everything to be oh-so-easy doesn’t really get you to the thing you seek. Anything worth having takes work. Maybe the work is just awareness that you need to do it on your own and that no guru/bhoot/superwoman is going to swoop in and magically make your life better. So?—?be willing to do the work.

When you try to give the responsibility of making change over to someone else -you also give up the right to own the fruit of that change. So, embrace the shit, and watch yourself bloom.


Avani Parekh
Avani Parekh is the founder of, a counseling portal for relationships, love and sexual health. She loves karaoke, sand between her toes and experimental cooking.

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